New Beginning

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You are No where near The modern place that you live in,as if you fell into a nother place,placing yourself On the cold white snow,you stood up and try to locate yourself on where you are at,But Your Own Location is Unkown,Confused You Decided to ...

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You are No where near The modern place that you live in,as if you fell into a nother place,placing yourself On the cold white snow,you stood up and try to locate yourself on where you are at,But Your Own Location is Unkown,Confused You Decided to Search Around The Snowy Woods And Found Yourself An Small Hut Supposely Abandoned,You went Inside and Saw A Futon,A Small table and a chair with an
Lantern that wasnt lit

'I Wonder how i got here' you thought to yourself at the moment

Trying to Explore more of the small hut you were interrupted by a sudden noise of something outside,as you went out to invenstigate nothing was there until something tried attacking you from behind,but luckily thanks to your system you are able to dodge the attack

"Huh,your an agile one arent you?,ill make it painless and quick for you..hehheh.."the demonic entity was about to attack you again but you instead shot them with a laser cannon
And made a hole on their head..

"Grrr,you Sick Brat!,how dare you!"it yelled trying to regenerate its flesh but it wasnt working..

"I dont think you are able to regenerate your nervous systems since the laser has broken the ability to regenerate." Your robotic voicebox was a bit glitchy since its been a few hours when you have gotten here

"Ugh Whatever ill have to just slice your head o-"suddenly blood splattered over the cold snow floor,you killed the demon in just one fell swoop of your (W/O/C),The Demon slowly disentegrated into nothing and disappeared,after that moment you went back to the small hut and call it a night

<◇The Next Day◇>

It was morning and the snow was still there,You Got up from the futon for a moment,still remembering the demonic entity you decided to go out of the small hut and check the damage it did but there was barely any damage,
"Looks like it wasnt any kind of threat but may be a trouble for me to handle."
You said to yourself

You then Went out and explored the woods and saw a small village not too far from the small hut you stayed at
,there were many lively villagers roaming around and children playing in the snow, but then *thud!* you bumped into someone and fell to the dirt road

"Im So sorry are you okay?" A boy Said
With an apologetic tone

You looked up and saw a boy with red locks of hair with some kind of earings
With a scar on his forehead
Trying to calculate more on the boy
He then suddenly made you get up
Surprised,You Then fell onto his arms
Realizing this you swiftly balance yourself.

"My dearest apologies for not seeing you there,I am very Clumsy at times My bad."You said bowing multiple times

"Its Alright and no need to bow that much!,im worried about you having that much dirt on your clothes" the Boy Pointed out your white gown covered in mud

"My Name Is Kamado Tanjiro From The Kamado Family,What Is Your Name?"

"(Project name),(Y/N)."


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