Lambert's nightmare

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I was walking through a forest I wasn't familiar with at night just minding my business until I suddenly started to feel uneasy like someone or something was watching me and following me. I started to quicken my pace with my sword in my hand. Then I heard footsteps running towards me. I quickly turned around and raised my sword in defense to find nothing behind me. I turned around and bumped into someone I looked up to see the same creature from Darkwood.

The creature looked down at me and let out a low growl with blood pouring from its mouth and eyes. I slowly backed away from the creature but it slowly crawled towards me.

I started to back away a little faster but the creature did the same. I kept backing away until I hit a wall and the creature stopped moving and stood up on its hind legs towering over me and covering me with its shadow.

The creature raised its long razor sharp claws in the air and was about to strike me down with them. My brain entered its fight or flight mode my conscience was yelling at me to fight the creature but due to adrenaline and pure fear I chose flight instead.

I dodged the creature's claws and ran in a random direction. I ran as fast as my legs could go with two questions going through my mind. Where am I going?
How did I get here? And why does that creature want to kill me so bad?

I kept running through this unfamiliar forest and took a look back to see if the creature was still chasing me. Until I tripped on a tree root and fell to the ground. I tried to get up but I twisted my ankle and fell back on the ground. Then I heard the creature's screeching getting closer and closer so I decided to limp through the pain until I reached a clearing of the forest I was at a lake. It was definitely not Pilgrim's Passage. The lake water was black and had red eyes and bones in it. And the ground was dead brown with dead bodies and dried blood on it and half of the trees were either dead or chopped down.

I heard a twig snap and turned around to see the creature had caught up to me. I thought about running away again but a thick fog rolled in making it impossible to see where I'm running to and swimming was out of the question because it's not really wise to swim in water that's completely black and has bones in it. I decided it's time to stop running and fight the creature.

The red crown turned into a sword and tried to strike the creature but...

It grabbed my sword and ripped it from my hand and lifted me up by my other hand in an iron tight grip. The sword turned back into the red crown and struggled to get out of the creature's grip. The creature got close to my ear and said "Ты всего лишь жалкий, слабый маленький ягненок. Красная корона или нет."

I didn't understand what they said but I noticed the creature was tightening their grip on the red crown and it started to crack until...





It broke.

Bits and pieces of the red crown dropped on the ground and a red mist that used to be the crown's eye surrounded the destroyed crown. The creature tightened their grip on my hand and tossed me in the dark lake. I opened my eyes in the water and noticed that there were thousands of bodies in the lake. "You've failed my vessel." I heard someone said but they sounded like The One Who Waits. "You let the red crown get destroyed." That was definitely The One Who Waits voice. I turned around to see a dead body with three glowing red eyes. "Without the red crown I can't get my revenge on the four bishops and you can't avenge your fallen brethren." The One Who Waits said with disappointment in his voice.

I tried to explain what happened wasn't my fault but all that came out was gargling from the water. "Don't try to apologize to me, apologize to them. Goodbye lambert." The One Who Waits said and disappeared from the body. Suddenly I felt a thousand eyes watching me. I turned around to see all the dead bodies staring at me. I noticed that all the dead bodies were lambs and sheeps. I also noticed the bottom of the lake turned red and revealed to be the eye of a giant monster and the dead lambs and sheep quickly swam towards me, not giving enough time to get away. They started to force me down into the monster's mouth and left me there. I frantically tried to swim out the monster's mouth until...



* Knock knock knock!*

What the creature said:

You're just a pathetic, weak little lamb. Red crown or not."

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