Chapter 2

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Hi Again!  Okay, so I am hoping you will find this chapter more interesting!

Unknown's POV

Jada bends over coughing up blood.  Her body and spirit drained of energy.  'that went well'  she thought - finally kneeling down to rest, back against the stone arch way of an alley. 

Not much could be said about the state her mind was in now.  Only the peace of mind that her sister and parents were safely on their way home.  Home, the place she may never return.  Jada Hollow, was not your average girl.  She secretly trained with a military group of commanders underground I Canada.  Being recruited, unbeknown  her parents when she was 14, after her first shift.  Normal wolves shift when they are 16, but due to her hybrid genes, her body..  functioned differently.  Also, she was 14, she transformed, for the first time, and became one a tree in her back yard.   Scaring the crap out of her standard poodle who had unfortunately witnessed the event. 

Jada, unknowingly having strong Alpha genes from her dad's side, and cunning nymph genes from every woman on her mum's side - was understandably freaked out when she started sprouting leaf buds and smelling woodsy.  But that was nothing compared to her first shift.  By some miracle, or un-mortal force, did she wind up getting lost on a family camping trip with her parents, and wondering deep into the woods. 

Flashback - 8 months ago...

It was late at night, and she felt a sudden strong draw from within her to go into the forest.  Sneaking out of the tent like the naïve girl she was at the time, Jada followed the now whispering pull out into a place so dense with trees, far from human ears - only to end up kneeling down in agony as her bones broke themselves and realigned into those of a dog, or more specifically... a damn wolf!  Shaking furiously, as her spine snapped and her tendons jerked from the pain.  Jada bellowed out a furious and authoritative  growl, her body twitching and writhing to much in for her to notice or care that she was turning animal.  Screaming and torturously whimpering, until finally the pain cease abruptly and completely.   Leaving her in a heap on the ground.  Howls in the distance can be heard as she drifts into an exhausted sleeping state. 

'Jada.....  Jada!' snapping he eyes awake, Jada scans her surroundings for the intruder who consumed her dreams.  Noticing how sharp everything is, under the dark moonlight.  Suddenly, flooded with the memories of the trauma endured, from her sneaking away, then being tortured by an unknown source.  'Jada.'  the voice calls again, only now she is knows she heard it.

"What!?" She snapped back.  Beyond agitated as her body beings shaking violently.  But not out fear or in this time, rather in anger and blood lust.  What ever caused her grief she undeservingly received, would suffer, 7 fold...

'Calm down young one'  It wasn't question, more of a command - almost like a parent scolding a child.  And the voice was not loud, nor male - which in itself, comforted Jada. 

Still unwilling to just simply do as she was told by a stranger, Jada allowed her anger to drive her - until she looked down as a gust of wind, chilled her bare skin.  Blushing slightly, Jada struggled quickly to brush her long waste length thick hair over her small breasts - then using her hands to cover up... her lower regions.  The could breeze seemed to calm her  shaking figure, when the voice came again.

'Young one, you don't understand who or what you are.  But rested assured I will be here for you -' by those words, Jada's temper had been re-spiked.

"No dip Sherlock!  What happened to me?!  Why on earth was I in so much pain?  Who are you!?...  Answer me!"  Jada screamed.  A growl uncontrollably erupting from her mouth.  Jada froze.  'What just happened', she mentally questioned to no one in particular.  Testing out her growl again, she paid attention to her vibrating chest, as it rumbled again.

'You are a wolf' Jada went to interrupt the strange voice again but it beater her to it. A fierce growl boomed through her mind,  the voice began to speak again ' Don't you dare interrupt me pup, I am talking to you, and you need my help, get that through that thick scull of yours!  I know this comes as a surprise, but you are a werewolf, daughter to the Blacknight pack's rogue alpha".

Present time:

Regardless of her new physical abilities, Jada had always been a fighter.  She trained hard with her father, sister, and six brothers up until master hood of mix martial arts.  Being a very blunt person from day one, accompanied by a fiery temper - she was a force to be reckoned with.  

After her first shift and transformation, Jada wanted so badly to seek answers from her parents as to why she was different.  But alas, reason, and her darn pride got in the way.  She downright hated asking for help, and had a passion for finding her own way out of situations.  Confiding in the council of her mom and dad was out of the equation.  They would probably freak out and land her in some lab for experiments and Guiney pigs!  Okay, that may have been a slight exaggeration, but what would you do if you suddenly and unexpectedly went from a not to weird human, to a dirty mutt!?  Not that her wolf was dirty.  Rather beautiful actually.  Having pure midnight black fir, and a build slightly larger than a plain wolf.  With the agility to match a chaeta's - she was proud of her figure. 

Wobbling on her new 4 feet, Jada crawled around for hours in the forest

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