Chapter 1

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Sundowner POV

Sundowner: Okay, so let me get this straight. This Kahn guy wants to invade earth but instead of actually invading us with his army, he challenges us to an arena fight?

Senator: Exactly, five of his best fighters will face off against five of earth's best in a tournament.

Sundowner: Mhm. Any idea who's in the top five of earth's best?

Senator: You, Monsoon, our newest recruit Jetstream, Mistral and me, of course.

Sundowner: Are you sure about that? I don't think it's a good idea to have you fight as an combatant.

Senator: And why's that?

Sundowner: If something happens to you, if you die, we'll be standing around without a leader, which would cause absolute chaos.

Senator: I will not die. There is no way I possibly can, not in a fight at least. And besides, if I'll be gone, you will still be the leader of Desperado Enforcement.

Sundowner: Hm, I think we should stock up on fighters. To have a back-up just in case things go south.

Senator: And who do you suggest?

Sundowner: The guy I sold the cyber suits to. He was known as Sub Zero, an ice mage or something like that. He was then killed by Scorpion, a demon that was allied with those Outworld aliens. Somehow, he came back and killed the demon.

Senator: He came back from the dead?

Sundowner: He claims to be death itself.

Senator: And you're on good terms?

Sundowner: You can say that, yes.

Senator: Alright, get him on our team too, just in case.

Sundowner: Do you know anything about Kahn's fighters? What does his top five look like?

Senator: Actually, one of his fighters is a fire demon called Scorpion. Maybe it's the same demon that this Death guy killed?

Sundowner: Could well be.

Senator: Because if so, he did us a great favour. Anyways the other four fighters are Reptile, I think his name is self explanatory, it's a human mixed with a reptile, very nasty guy that can spit acid.

Sundowner: Will this acid be enough to get through our body armour though?

Senator: I'm sure we'll find out. But it's definitely enough to get through your face, so you better wear your face protection when close to this guy.

Sundowner: I always do, no matter who I fight against.

Senator: Good, his second combatant is a blood mage called Skarlet, she's pretty much a vampire that can control and use blood as a weapon.

Sundowner: Okay...

Senator: Ermac is next on the list. A mummy that is home to thousands of souls. He uses those souls to help him fight and hurt his opponents.

Sundowner: Sounds gnarly.

Senator: And the last one would be Goro, a four armed powerhouse.

Sundowner: Four arms huh? Sounds like he's a good match for Mistral.

Senator: Every single fight will be fought to the death.

Sundowner: As it should.

Senator: So you guys, every single one of you, should be in your best shape. I do not want to lose a single one of you.

Sundowner: They sound like tough opponents, I'm not gonna lie, but they don't sound like they're too much for us to handle.

Senator: Our next step will be to take out the Special Forces as they are standing in our way.

Sundowner: I don't know if a war would be a good idea now.

Senator: It's a war that has to be fought, and won. Otherwise they will keep intervening with our business and damage us even further.

Sundowner: That makes sense I guess, but we'd need a lot of manpower to take them down.

Senator: No, I'm not planning to face their whole army head on, we should cut off the snake's head. Or rather heads, since there are two of them.

Sundowner: You mean Sonya and Johnny?

Senator: I do, once they're gone, the Special Forces will be weakened and unable to carry out operations. Especially since Jax and Cassie are with you now.

Sundowner: That would leave them with one capable guy.

Senator: Yes, the one that you failed to kill two times already.

Sundowner: I was interrupted both times.

Senator: Don't worry about it, I will send someone else after him this time.

Sundowner: I beat him two times, I can do it a third time. You should send me.

Senator: No, you will be taking care of Sonya and Johnny. Let someone else take care of the swordguy.

Sundowner: This guy claims that his sword can cut through quite some hard things.

Senator: No sword is hard enough to cut though my Nanomachines.

Sundowner: I hope it will stay that way.

Senator: It will. Now, there is one last thing.

Sundowner: Yes?

Senator: I don't really trust that Kano is fully on your side and neither should you.

Sundowner: You think he's planning something? Some kind of rebellion?

Senator: Could well be. He wasn't too happy with you taking the Black Dragon away form him and turning it into something much better. He will seek revenge.

Sundowner: He can't win against me.

Senator: He can't alone. But what if he gets some friends to help him fight you?

Sundowner: And what friends would that be? Hsu Hao? The guy that got his legs cut off in our last fight?

Senator: I was thinking about Shao Kahn.

Sundowner: You think he'd ask our enemy to help him fight against his allies?

Senator: It's very important to know that he doesn't see us as his allies. He hates you for what you've done. And he also hates me for allowing you to do what you did.

Sundowner: He must be desperate if he asks earth's enemy for help.

Senator: Well, he is. But there is a good thing about that. If Kahn sends his men over to our earth, we will be able to ambush and take them out, one by one. Thus weakening his team and make it harder for him to fight in the tournament.

Sundowner: Sounds like a solid plan actually. So basically, kill the Special Forces, let Kano betray me and ask Kahn for help, take out Kahn's men and win the tournament.

Senator: Yes, and we will start with the first part right now. So get your stuff.

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