Chapter 4

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      "I don't know. It's just that he's been so distant with me."
      "It's going to be ok, Reedpaw. This silence between you two won't last forever."
      Reedpaw twitched his tail anxiously. "Are you sure? At the apprentice ceremony he didn't even say hello. I'm just so nervous that he's going to leave me. Forever."
      "I'm sure. He'll come back running sooner or later."
      "Thanks, Ghostpaw. I don't know how to cope with him gone. He's my best friend." Reedpaw washed his paw and swiped it over his ear.
      "Well, you know I'm always here for you." The golden tabby neatly wrapped his tail around his paws, waiting for the other toms response.
      After a few seconds, Reedpaw refused his offer. "Yeah I know, but it's just not the same. Sorry, Ghostpaw."
      Ghostpaw bowed his head in response. "Got it." Trying to move on from the topic of Gingerpaw ignoring Reedpaw, Ghostpaw asked him about the gathering. "Are you excited for the gathering? It's only tomorrow!"
      "Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I could talk to Gingerpaw then." Reedpaw glanced around awkwardly, like he was already trying to find the ginger cat.
      "Are you sure?" Ghostpaw began grooming his flank.
      "Sure about what?" Reedpaw felt his heart drop.
      "You know how he's a medicine apprentice now. What if he gets caught up in his own duties?"
      "What! Why would you say that? I hope he's allowed to come to the gathering!" The black and white cats neck bristled.
      "Why don't you go ask him if he's going? I have a border patrol to go join."
      Reedpaw sighed. "Okay. See you later, Ghostpaw."
      Ghostpaw waved goodbye with his tail and sprinted over to a group of cats. Reedpaw headed in the direction of the medicine den. When he popped his head in through the bracken, he was greeted by the tart scents of herbs.
      "Welcome, Reedpaw." The black tom recognized the medicine she-cat, Ambershade.
      "Hi there. Do you know where Gingerpaw may be?"
      "No. Why, are you hurt?" Ambershade strolled over to the apprentice and sniffed him vigorously.
      Reedpaw pushed away tenderly. "No, I'm fine. I just needed to talk to him."
      The medicine cat pulled away consciously. "Last time I checked, he was visiting with his mother in the nursery."
     "Thanks!" Reedpaw shouted behind him as he darted out of the den.
      Reedpaw scanned the clearing, trying to locate the nursery. He spotted a lush den that was protected by bramble bush thorns.
      Quietly—trying not to disturb any sleeping queens or kits—Reedpaw slipped into the nursery den. The scent was milky and warm, reminding him of when he was just a tiny, helpless kit dreaming in between his mothers paws.
       When his eyes adjusted to the dim light in the den, he identified Coralflower and Poppyfur with their kits. Suddenly, he realized Gingerpaw was sitting only a few mouse-lengths in front of him where he faced his mother and new born brother.
"Gingerpaw?" He whispered over the red apprentices shoulder.
Gingerpaw and the other queens whipped their head over to face Reedpaw—caught by surprise at his sudden and unknown appearance.
"What is it? Do you need something?" Gingerpaw asked.
"Yeah, can you come over here please?" Reedpaw pulled out of the homey nursery and shook loose thorns from his fur.
Gingerpaw came silently out. "Are there loose brambles in your fur?"
"It's nothing really—"
"Let me get them out for you." The tom abruptly interrupted him and started picking through his fur thoroughly. "I'll go get Slatefur and some other warriors to fix up the nursery later. We don't want any kits or queens getting thorns caught in their paw pads."
Gingerpaw paused curiously to sniff behind Reedpaw's ear. "Hold still," he commanded. Reedpaw winced as he plucked a sliver.
Suddenly, the black and white cat felt dizzy. "Gingerpaw—" Reedpaw vomited in front of Gingerpaw with little warning.
There was a moment of silence before the medicine apprentice spoke soothingly. "Come with me, I'll get you cleaned up."
      "Starclan save me." Reedpaw muttered under his breath as Gingerpaw guided him into the medicine den. That was so embarrassing! The whole camp must of heard me retching!
      In some way, the red tom must of read the black and white cats mind; Gingerpaw brushed Reedpaw's flank. "Don't fret, I'm just going to check you real quickly—make sure you aren't terribly ill. And trust me, no cat noticed, everyone's too busy minding their own duties."
      Reedpaw nodded doubtfully in agreement and lied down on a soft, moss covered bed. He watched the medicine apprentice as he rummaged through herbs, muttering something to himself.
      "Which one did Ambershade say was for bellyache? Feverfew—No, that's not it. Maybe it was catmint? Argh!" Gingerpaw let out a mrrow of dismay and spite for himself not remembering the correct herb. His head shot up and cranked towards the den entrance. "Ambershade!" His meow was gleeful. "Can you come help me, please? I can't remember the right herb I'm looking for."
      The golden tabby sauntered over to her apprentice. "Sure thing. I noticed Reedpaw is in here, is it for him?" Gingerpaw nodded. "Ok, what are his symptoms?"
      "Well, while we were at the nursery, he decided to vomit just right in front of my paws." His voice was more full of pity than tease.
      "How about we start with getting your paws cleaned up, then." As the ginger cat started grooming his paws and pads as his mentor ordered him to, Ambershade strolled over to her patient. "How are you feeling?" She rested a paw on top of Reedpaw's flank.
      Reedpaw heaved a sigh. "I mean, I felt fine earlier—and I feel fine now, I just don't know what hit me."
      The medicine cat acknowledged him without speaking and pressed her ear against his pelt. "You seem and feel fine, there might just be a virus in your stomach. We'll get you some yarrow to throw up hopefully the last of the toxins, and if you feel queasy after that you can have some poppy seeds." She headed off towards Gingerpaw and murmured something Reedpaw could barely make out.
      "Are your paws clean?" The medicine she-cat questioned.
      "Yep." Gingerpaw gave his paw a last cleansing lick.
      "Good. All Reedpaw needs is some yarrow to throw up and if he feels worse after that, give him some poppy seeds. I want him to lay in here for the night, I don't know if he has a fever—and if he does, I don't want him to spread it. Especially to the new born kits." Ambershade turned towards the den entrance "I'll be out gathering some more catmint, we don't have a lot left." The she-cat hared out of the den, leaving the two apprentices by themselves.
      Reedpaw watched as the medicine apprentice swiftly, yet clumsily, gathered up a sprouting plant with tiny white flowers budding out. "Here," Gingerpaw granted him the yarrow. "Eat this, I know it has a bitter taste but it will help you. Now I'll go get you some moss."
      Reedpaw cautiously began nibbling on the pungent herb. It had a sweet yet bitter taste.
"You have to eat it all for it to work." The red tom spoke gingerly.
"I know." The black and white cat rolled his eyes ignorantly. He gave the herb another hesitant nibble, then lifted his head to look a straight at Gingerpaw. "There," Reedpaw gazed into the apprentices emerald-green eyes. "I-is that enough? Can I be done now—" Reedpaw then hurled and retched again in front of Gingerpaw.
In alert surprise, Gingerpaw backed away from his patient. "Yes, that seems to be enough yarrow." He gathered up the remaining yarrow into a bundle and turned around.
I don't think it was the yarrow that time! Reedpaw licked his chest in embarrassment as his tail tip flicked back and forth anxiously.
Gingerpaw returned with a paw-full of poppy seeds. "Are you feeling nauseous now?"
Reedpaw tried his hardest to not dare peak at the medicine apprentice. He took a considerable gulp and winced at the pain in his throat as he answered. "N-no. I'm fine, thanks though Gingerpaw."
      The ginger tom looked him up and down consciously. "Are you sure your throat doesn't hurt at all?"
      Reedpaw straightened up "Maybe a little."
      Gingerpaw dropped turned his back and trotted off towards the medicine storage "I'll get you some peppermint for that, then." He shuffled his paw through a cleft of herbs and clawed at a bright leafy plant. He prodded back over to his awaiting patient. "There," Gingerpaw placed the peppermint in front of him. "It's better than the yarrow, trust me."
      Reedpaw stifled a fearful gulp and bent his head down with jaws agape on the minty herb.
      Before he could chew the plant, yowls of terror broke out like waves in the camp.
      Reedpaw got to his paws immediately and followed Gingerpaw out into the clearing.
      "What's going on?" Demanded Gingerpaw as he asked a caramel pelted she-cat racing by.
The warrior haulted in her tracks and turned to blurt out over her shoulder. "We're under attack!"

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