Starting Out

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"Probie, make sure you secure those hoses before we have to roll out," A voice calls out playfully as they grab onto my shoulders and give them a good shake. If I wasn't steady on my feet I would have fallen on my ass. But I don't let the rest of the crew's excitement for me being released from fire camp to work alongside them distract me from the task at hand. My hands start moving instantly, grabbing onto the many folds of the deflated hose line and bringing it into a tight coil before fastening it to the rig. I just have enough time to catch Jake smiling before he disappears into my dad's office. I can't help but let a smile grace my face as I work. I don't care how many rigs I have to polish or hoses I have to straighten, hell I can even put up with the probie hazing as long as I get to do it alongside my family. Just as I finish latching the last compartment to the rig, a holler rings out throughout the fire station, "Look who's coming! The one and only future Mrs. Leone!" Eve belts out as she trots over to meet up with Gabriella. They immediately start up a conversation, all teeth, and giggles, "Stop! You're going to make me pee!" Gabriella says as she wipes at stray tears that had begun to roll down her cheeks. "Girl!" Eve chuckles as she places a hand on her side from laughing too hard. As I walk toward the pair, they begin to straighten up with Eve taking her cue to leave, "Alright, I'll catch up with you later," She calls over her shoulder. I reach out and place a hand on her stomach, "Are you doing okay?" I say sympathetically. She slowly lets out a deep breath, "I'm doing fine for a pregnant woman. The constant runs to the bathroom, the endless pregnancy cravings..." She begins. "I'm sorry Gabs," I say as I reach out and take her hands in mine, I can't help but let my eyes drift away from her to rest on the floor. She gingerly removes one of her hands from mine and lifts my chin back to the vicinity of her chocolate-brown eyes, "I'm not, Bode. Despite all that's gone down between us this is the one thing I wouldn't change for the world," She says soothingly. I give her a small smile, the sight of her keys in her hands brings me back to the reason why she came here. "Crap! Your doctor's appointment isn't today is it?" I say anxiously just as the sound of the alarm goes off signaling this station into action. Everyone starts running toward the rig, shelling into their turnouts in the blink of an eye as I stand wide-eyed in front of my girlfriend. "You better get into that rig Probie. You know what happens if you're too slow," My mom calls out after me. I rush over to my turnouts slipping them on like they're my second skin, "But what about your appointment?" I call out to Gabs as I finish putting my helmet on my head. My mom looks at me and waves me away, "That's what I'm here for, I got this one Bode," She says as she turns to Gabriella. "Are you sure Chief?" She says as she rubs a hand absently across her protruding stomach. My mom's face immediately adorns a look as if Gabs reached out and slapped her, "I told you this Chief business is only for the firehouse. When you are in your civvies I am Sharon," She says matter-of-factly. Gab's cheeks flood with embarrassment, she wants to be on good terms with my mom so badly, and it's hard when she respects the hell out of her. To Gabs she was her chief first and Sharon second but I have a feeling she'll be using my mom's first name more often. "Now fork over those keys so we can make sure you and the baby are progressing nicely," She says as she wraps one arm around Gabriella's side as they walk to her car together. "Bode! Let's go!" My dad belts out. I know by his tone I better get my ass into high gear, so without another word I hop into the back of the rig, joining Eve and Jake as we race off to the next fire.

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