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I never thought I'd be sitting here, tapping my leg against the linoleum floors like an out-of-control jackhammer, waiting for a doctor to emerge from one of the many hallways that are all dressed in the same color. My mind is racing with what-ifs and worst-case scenarios. What if something has gone wrong? What if we lose the baby? What if I lose her? "Don't go there, man," Jake interrupts as he hands me a cup of coffee and takes a seat beside me. He seems to effortlessly read my mind without me even saying a word. "But," I begin, but he just shakes his head. "No, Bode. You can't run all those scenarios in your head. Focus on the facts. Gabriella is here, and she's in the best care possible, I promise you that," he says. I try to put on a brave face, nodding to the sound of my friend's voice filling my head. "You're right. Focus on the facts," I repeat as I bring the coffee to my lips. As soon as the honey-colored liquid splashes down my throat, I grimace. I appreciate the pick-me-up, but the blend is way too weak for my taste. Hospital coffee is never good. As I sit the cup down, I smile, thinking about how Gabriella used to joke that if I could get that coffee to look like tar, I would think it was the best thing on the planet. I remember the look on her face when I told her that was impossible because the best thing that I have on this planet is her. She smiled then, and I couldn't help but wonder how she could just keep getting more beautiful with each passing second. "Bode?" Kara's voice calls out, snapping me to attention faster than my dad calling for a turnout inspection. The rims of her blue eyes are red and puffy as if she's been crying. Immediately, I can feel my throat closing off. "No, Kara, no!" I croak out. She rushes forward and grabs hold of my shoulders. "Bode, she's going to be okay. She's going to be okay," she repeats as tears roll down her face. I gasp as I feel the pressure being released from my chest, but it's not completely gone. "And the baby?" I murmur. Kara sniffles, wiping at the tears with her water-stained coat. "The baby is unharmed. You have a couple of tough ladies in there," she says as she gives my shoulder a few light taps. "We're having a little girl?" I say, aghast. Gabriella wanted it to be a surprise, and I respected that. I just wanted our baby to be healthy. Kara's face drops slightly. "Oh no, I'm so sorry, Bode. I didn't even think to ask if you knew the sex of the baby," she stammers. If I wasn't already in shock, this news would have pushed me over the edge. "I'm going to have a little girl!" I cry. "Hell yeah!" Jake hollers as he smothers me in one of his giant bear hugs. "It's about damn time we had more girls around here," a familiar voice calls out from behind us. My heart beats faster as I whip around, watching as my dad wheels my mom into the waiting room in a wheelchair. She has a giant bandage wrapped around her head and ankle, but I know for a fact that it would take an entire building to collapse on my mom to keep her down. "Mom," I call out as I race over to wrap her in a hug. Everybody's going to be okay. Everyone is safe. "I love you too, Bode," my mom sniffles against my shirt. I could have sat there forever, holding onto my mom like when I was a kid, her embrace healing me more than words ever could. She inhales one more time before pulling away, "When can we see her?" Kara immediately pulls herself back together, retreating from Jake's arms to stand in front of us, "She should be awake by now and I'm sure she'll be eager to see all of you," She says. In an instant, everyone is being whisked away by the tail of Kara's coat, except for Eve, who is staring into space next to the vending machines. "Eve, are you coming?" I exclaim. I watch as she lifts her head out of her daze long enough to give me a half smile, "You go on, I'll be there in a bit," she drones out. My face falls, I know all too well where she is right now. Back in her head running the scene over and over again until she burns herself out. "Bode, are you coming?" Jake calls back, standing halfway down the hall, waiting for me to catch up. I look back at Eve, sitting in that chair with her hands clasped in front of her, still stained from the accident. It's hard to see her this way and even harder to leave her behind, but I know if I stay, she'll only push me away. So with one final look, I head down the hall to rejoin the rest of my family.

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