All Shaken Up

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(Eve's Perspective)
The sound of the vending machines was nothing compared to the deafening buzz that was alive in my head. The memory of the fire rushing to encase the car was still vivid in my mind. I didn't even need to close my eyes to see it. The flames had surrounded the vehicle like a beast that had no master. The heat that had rolled through the smashed windows right before I vaulted over the last set of seats had been intense. It was pure chaos and if the adrenaline hadn't been propelling me forward I don't know if I would have even made it out alive. Hell, I've had some pretty close calls but none of them have left my hands shaking while I'm sitting still. Throughout all my years wearing that jacket, I knew firsthand that fire couldn't be controlled. We as firefighters were not some sort of comic book superhero who could bend the flames to our will. We were hazard control. As the scene before us was burning all away, the only thing we could do was protect one more life from ending up like Gabriella or worse. That's what I did, right? I saved her from being burned by the flames, but did I do all I could to keep her in one piece? The thought had been nagging at me since we arrived. Had I missed something? Was there more that I could have done? Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the person approaching me until she spoke. "Excuse me," a friendly voice cuts in, breaking me out of my trance. Immediately, I sit up straight, meeting the hazel eyes that are kneeling in front of me. "Huh?" I say as I watch her dig through a white box of medical supplies. She smiles as she takes a white cloth and begins to pour hydrogen peroxide all over its face, "I asked if you were hurt," She says as she nods toward my stained hands. I swallow against a dry throat, quickly shaking my head as she waits for my answer, "Oh no, I'm not hurt. I'm a firefighter this is just my friends-," I trail off seeing the scene race in front of my eyes again. This time she extends an open palm toward me, "Regardless if it's your friends or your own let me clean you up, okay?" She says. I close my eyes and reopen them, focusing on the light that the vending machine is casting on the floor before standing up. "You know I think I can do it, you seem like you're busy," I say over my shoulder. To my surprise, the nurse is now on her feet, standing in front of me, "I thought firefighters were supposed to be observant," She prods as she folds her arms across her chest. My mouth hangs slightly ajar as I let her accusation sink in, "Of course we are," I begin but she cuts me off with a small chuckle, "Okay. Then tell me what you observe," she says coyly, waving her arm out around her. I don't really want to argue so I do as I'm told. I look around at all the grim faces that are seated in the drab fabrics of this waiting room. Most of them are in pain and the rest are watching the crowd, seeing who has it worse than them or their loved ones. I catch a lot of their eyes darting over me, sneaking a glance with piqued interest. Wondering what the hell happened to this firefighter and why she was standing in the waiting room covered in blood. "People in pain?" I say quizzically, searching her face to see if I answered her right. I know I hadn't just by the way she raised her eyebrow, "You think you have it all figured out, don't you? Miss Firefighter thang doesn't need any help because she is the help, right?" She says matter of factly. I try to talk but I can't come up with the words, this 5-foot-tall Latina woman has stolen them all from my lips. "You want to know what I see?' She says as she walks forward far enough to reach my hand. This close I can see just how pretty she is, her caramel skin is practically glowing besides the dark circles that outline her eyes. It takes her no time to set herself to work, taking the alcohol pad and gently wiping it against my skin, "I see a stubborn woman who is standing in the middle of my floor scaring my patients. Now I'm usually against it but I think it helps that she's kind of cute so I'm not going to go crazy on her." My face flushes red, "Are you flirting with me?" I say aghast. The woman only smiles as she finishes cleaning my hands, "Some people would say that's just my bedside manner," she whispers, giving me a small wink. I can't help but grin, she has a way with words I'll give her that. "What's your name?" I say but she only meets me with that same smile. "Now who's flirting?" She chuckles. "Maybe it's just my bedside manner," I shrug. "I'll tell you what. If you go see that friend of yours and I'm still here afterward then I might have a name and number for you," She teases as she carries all her supplies down the hallway, disappearing into the crowd of other doctors and nurses. I can't help but smile as I touch the palm of my hand before wandering down the hall to find the room Gabriella's in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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