before we begin

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trigger warning for:
self harm
please don't read if these things are triggering to you

and disclaimer  - everything in this book is fictional and in no way is meant to damage the reputation of any people mentioned and is only giving those mentioned fictional characteristics and is not accurate to their real life characters!

there's always help out there if you need it and someone will always listen to you, please don't suffer in silence. my dm's are always open if anyone needs it, and i know it seems ironic as a shawol to have written a book like this but again i reiterate, this book is completely fictional and this book was written when i was in quite a bad place mentally and is rather a reflection of my own thoughts at the time and is no way a guess on how those mentioned are feeling.

if you live in the uk, like me, the samaritans are always available on 116 123 or child line if you're under the age of 19 at 0800 1111.

here's a link to worldwide mental health helplines, please use them and don't suffer in silence:

Directory of International Mental Health Helplines -

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