Surprises, Perfomances and Rui Kamishiro

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Read Poems, Treasure Hunts and Akito Shinonome first since this is the sequel but like technically you don't need to have read it to understand this

Akito was checking through his messages yet again, ignoring the floods of text from both An and Tsukasa and waiting for Rui's next response. The three dots showing he was typing popped up, only to disappear then pop up again. He prodded the crepes on the table, only having slightly touched them earlier. It's not that he wasn't hungry, he just had bigger things on his plate.


"Don't do that Miku- you freaked me out for a second." Akito dropped his phone on the table hearing Miku's voice behind his shoulder. She was peeping into his messages. Kinda normal for her, but still rude. At least it wasn't Rin or Len, they'd be showering him with questions.

He picked up his phone again. The three dots had disappeared yet again, it looked like Rui couldn't think on what to say. To be fair, he'd asked him about where they'd go on a date. So again it was put down so he could turn to Miku.

"So...sorry for spying but I saw you mention a date? You and Kamishiro are together?" Miku asked in what sounded to be an innocent tone. Akito just then cut a bit out of one of the crepes. The chocolate was still warm, which was nice. A good break for words. He got a buzz, Rui finally responded with a list of places, some even with links. Typical Rui.

"Hmph. Knew he was going to do that." He said to himself, taking another bite of the crepe. "To answer your question Miku, Yeah. Don't bring it up to the others. An's already bugging me about it."

"Okay, gotcha." She took the seat opposite him. "What's got you so hung up though? Something other than An bugging you?" She asked. Akito paused for a second, because he forgot that the virtual singers could read their feelings no matter how well they were hidden.

Akito finished the pile of crepes. "What, do you notice anything different about me?" He asked, prodding her. She closed her eyes to think, taking a sip of the tea she had with her.

"I just have a feeling is all. You looked a little troubled when you came here all alone." She responded.

Akito sighed. Well, who else could he tell, Miku couldn't tell anyone herself after all. "Yes, actually. White day is on the fourteenth. I wanna do something for Rui." He admitted.

"And...?" Miku trailed.

"I wanna do something bigger than just chocolate or cake. I mean, the dude broke into the damn school and made an elaborate event for crying out loud." His mind flashed back. The quiet school, the poems which now were hung on his wall, kissing him for the first time right after. It was like a dream almost, but very much like Rui to do something like that.

"Oh! So you wanna do something big in return since he did something so eccentric for you?" Miku asked, and when he nodded, she nodded back. "Hmmm. I don't know Kamishiro well enough so you'd have to have someone else for this."

"I know." Akito said, rolling his eyes. "Sorry for dumping this on you anyhow. Toya's been so busy helping Tsukasa and Saki lately, and I didn't even tell An or Kohane I was here. Speaking of which, I better get going."

"Well, let me know once you come up with something, I'd love to help!" Miku smiled at him, and he gave a little smile back, opening the music app and tapping ready steady to leave.


"Akito! We've been waiting forever- where the hell have you been?" An swung her arm over his shoulder, a little pissed but not too bothered. He was only ten minutes late, and Toya wasn't here either, so what was the big deal.

Surprises, Performances and Rui Kamishiro | AkiruiWhere stories live. Discover now