02 _Reality_

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They got down from the car and Joanna linked her left arm to her father's hand while her right hand held the flower as they walked down the aisle. Her father rubbed her hand gently as a means to comfort her but she was nervous.

It was to the beat of the choir who were already singing a hymn that they walked towards the altar. It was way too realistic. She was actually getting married.

David, who would be her husband in some moment came and took her from her Dad. His grip was firm but gently as led her to the priest. He released her hand and she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I, David Anderson, Take Joanna Charles Macbeth to be my lawfully wedded wife, In sickness and in health, for better or worst and till death do us part" David repeated after the priest. That was the first time she heard his voice. His face was set and did not betray his emotions. She cringed as she could detect the lie in his tone. Certainly, he did not mean it or did he? She couldn't tell as his jaw was set in a hard line and she could not see him clearly behind the veil.

"Errrm" The priest cleared his throat. She turned, confused for a moment. She had forgotten where she was.

"It is time to say your vow" The priest reminded her. She nodded and looked at the ring she was given. She couldn't recall when David slipped his into her finger. She took David's hand in hers and listened to the priest as he read the vows to her. Words she only would tell not that she meant it.

"I, Joanna Charles Macbeth, Take David Anderson..." And then she stopped, her heart beating furiously. Behind the veil, seated among others was Jasper, looking at her directly. His eyes were bloodshot. Was he there to destroy the wedding? When did he even fly from California to Chicago? Was he there to witness her betrayal?

Her gaze shifted to her parents holding hands, scared that she might run away and abandon the wedding then her gaze rested on David. He stood, staring at her. Waiting for her to take the vow. She felt vulnerable underneath his stares. She couldn't read him and that disturbed her.

"Joanna dear...We are waiting for you" The priest reminded her. She inhaled and nodded. She will take Jasper aside after the wedding and explain things to him. She promised. With a heavy heart, she read the words.

"I, Joanna Charles Macbeth, Take David Anderson as my lawfully wedded Husband, In sickness, and health, for better or worst and till death do us part".

She felt the meaning of the words after she said them. Like a power trying to consume her, she felt the cage surrounding her and it locked after she slipped the ring on his finger.

But all her thought was on Jasper. Please forgive me, my love

"If anyone here objects to this matrimony, say your mind or forever hold your peace" The priest announced. She closed her eyes, waiting for Jasper to ruin it and take her away but there was silence.

"In the absence of any, Ladies and gentlemen, I pronounced to you, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson".

The crowd yelled. There was laughter and clapping. The couple stood awkwardly when someone from the crowd yelled.

"Kiss her dude" and everyone began to chant "kiss kiss kiss kiss".

She thought she would escape that part but it was obvious the crowd won't let her. How could she kiss him when Jasper was there?

With a single stride, David closed the gap between them. He slowly raised the veil from her face and his eyes shocked her. She had never seen anything like that. It was the most beautiful and purest eyes she had ever seen and was lost in them. It was sparkling blue.

Oh God let this be over Joanna thought and closed her eyes as he held her chin with his palms and eased in, tilting his head to a side. He gently placed his lips on her. The electricity she felt sparked her entire body and she felt herself leaning in for more.

David stopped the kiss abruptly and Joanna was left gasping for air. She felt ashamed and averted her eyes from him. The blush was already spreading on her cheeks.

What would he think of her? Returning his kiss like a slut. How could she even feel the impact of a wedding kiss with someone she doesn't know? Jasper must be hurt beyond doubt. He knows how she returns his kissing and now he has witnessed it. He would never believe it was an arranged marriage. She must have thought she refused to sleep with him because she had someone else to marry. Such Betrayal. She turned to look at him and saw him walking out of the church.

"Jas..." She called as she ran to meet him.

"Hello there! And where do you think you are going?" Her best friend Charlotte stopped her.

"I need to speak to..."

"Jasper? Come on, you can't..You belong to someone else now. Don't turn, your husband is coming". Charlotte winked at her.

Joanna rolled her eyes. She was upset at Charlotte because she knew everything and now her chance at talking to Jasper one on one was crushed.

"Hy, You must be Charlotte right?" David asked nicely as he pointed at Charlotte.

"Of course, yes, Anna's only best friend" She laughed as she hugged Joanna. Joanna was baffled as to how he knew Charlotte's name. He had never seen her before.

"There is an after-party you know, at our Mansion. Can you keep a close eye on my wife when you reached there? I have something urgent to attend to. I will come as soon as I am done" David said and left.

"Such a jerk!" Joanna gasped.

"He is so cute." Charlotte giggled as they watched him leave.

"Who abandon his wife at the church?" Joanna spatted.

"Who abandons her husband at the altar to run after an ex?" Charlotte replied equally."Come on, our parents are waiting. Let go"

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