Ch. 15: Genius

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Saiki Kuusuke afforded himself a rare moment of introspection in between his various schemes to bend the world to his will. He was a genius, the smartest person alive to be sure. A device to end the world himself or a device to make all the monkeys dance until they all killed each other was well within his grasp. Baboons, that is all the people of the world were to him; insignificant dust specks that were stayed by their facile concepts of "morality" and "kindness" underpinned by the less savory "self-righteousness" and "ego" that represented their true desires. He was no better, but at least he was well aware of his myopic obsession with the one thing he actually spared any thought for: defeating his brother, Saiki Kusuo.

For all his genius, he was as insignificant to Kusuo as the rest of the world was to him. Someone who looked down on him with such disdain, someone who could defy common sense at a whim, THAT is what kept him going. It ignited a fire in his belly (and his loins) to be the most competent person in the world rendered completely obsolete by his cute little brother no less. A true genius, Kusuo was the brother that should be renowned the world over were it not for that same silly concept of morality that the pond scum were enslaved by. Anything that he could do was completely inconsequential in comparison, yet he held all the awards and praise of the baboons. He had to cast aside the odious dogma Kusuo somehow managed to become ensnared by as he needed every advantage he could get to reach his ultimate goal.

No matter how hard he tried, he was defeated by Kusuo at every turn. He allowed Kusuo a moment of reprieve after the reemergence of his powers, as Kusuo was not at full strength. Kuusuke needed time to process the mind-blowing elation of discovering that once again, despite his best efforts, Kusuo was able to defeat his greatest creation without even having to actively do anything.

You may ask: why did he not sabotage the device with an extremely petty design that did not even attempt to conceal his disdain for Kusuo's decision to eliminate his powers? Simple, really. The only people he truly cared for in this world were his three family members. Where the ring box he delivered the power eraser in would normally signify new beginnings instead marked the end of old wounds. Kuusuke genuinely cared about his baby brother enough that he allowed Kusuo to let down his walls and become vulnerable, surrendering his ability to compete with his doting older brother.

Kuusuke would not have attempted to compete with his brother anymore as it would not have been worthwhile to defeat the psychic equivalent of a quadraplegic. Kusuo eliminated his powers despite the fact that he knew Kuusuke could end the world if he got bored enough. Why?

Kuusuke had lived his entire life living in his younger brother's shadow; he was even relegated to a support character in this series, a passing footnote as an object of disdain for the main character.

In his brief moment at the apex of creation, all he felt was... empty. His entire life had moved toward this single goal. He essentially invented his degree and single handedly progressed his field light years beyond what anyone thought possible in his 19 years of life all in pursuit of his objective. He had done all of this only to have the rug pulled out from under him at the very last moment. He didn't have time to dwell on his predicament anymore as he heard a familiar soft wind gust behind him exactly as expected.

"Oh, Kusuo, so you're here about the government? Don't worry, I've already got it covered! I just so happened to be modifying the cannon from the cat tank to be able to increase its power output, curve its shots, and appear very similar to the energy given off by your fast flight! Isn't that nifty? Of course, I already knew the meteorite was coming and planned accordingly. Those gormless spooks didn't even ask why the beam didn't come from London. On another note, I am beyond flattered that you came to ask me for help! I guess you could have used your mind control, but what fun would that have been?" Kuusuke replied with a cute wink.

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