Back To School: Chapter 2

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"Are you guys doing alright?" Came the gentle concern from none other than Galivinth, to Kaira and her four other friends. His rather sad expression matching well with his tone as he looks upon the bunch bearing bandages and band-aids. He couldn't help but to feel more than a little responsible for the beating they all took, so he makes the effort to check on them now at the end of the school day.

"We're fine, dude. We're not in a body cast or barely clinging to life in a hospital bed. Don't look so mournful." Kaira assures with a skeptical grin and a pat to his shoulder.

"Yeah, it's whatever. I might've gotten knocked on my ass, but I saw what you did. Even though I got beat with sticks, I still felt like I didn't get it as bad as you, man. That was pretty heavy stuff." Mitchel adds before chuckling softly and rubbing at the back of his head.

"No kidding. So, thanks for enduring all of that just to protect me. I appreciate what you and Mitchel both did for my sake." Hanatee expresses her gratitude, then shares another thought on her mind.

"It's just weird how the dean and principal brushed us off, though. Like, what the actual hell is up with that? "

"Right? I guess a swollen eye and a broken finger wasn't... concerning enough to them. I thought about telling my dad, but... even though this is definitely serious, I feel he'd still go overboard. He kinda' deals in absolutes." Kaira comments, eventually folding her arms as a skeptical frown settles onto her features.

"But anyway, we should hurry to register our club. Be good to get a room with a working air conditioner." Mitch reminds them.

"Oh, right. That's true. Well, be seeing ya, Gal. We'll talk more later, okay? And feel free to join our club once it's up and running next week." Kaira bids him a farewell before the five of them head off toward the office.

"Yeah, later." Galivinth softly responds while waving a bit. From there, he exits the school and spots his relative waiting for him by the gate near the sidewalk.

"Yo! Let's go." He calls to Naeth, passing by as he gestures with a beckoning hand for the other to follow.

"So, are you finally going to tell me any information about where we're going?" The taller male asks the moment he catches up and begins walking beside Galivinth.

"A school of prophecy."

"...What do you mean by that?" Naeth asks after blinking and briefly taking a silent moment to think on such a vague answer.

"That's how the monk there described it. He says it's a place where students and those who are destined for something big, gather. I thought it was just a simple martial arts school, but it's not. From what he told me, it sounds more like... a competition."

"Elaborate further for me." Naeth requests.

"Well, the name of the school is Blue Currents, and it's just one of three that surround the foot of the mountain. The other two are Cloudy Lightning, and Red Turtle Dragon. All dojos share the same goal, but have different philosophies to them. Didn't ask what they are, but he said the best from each school will fight to inherit great power - 'a dozen will succeed, but a great many will fail in their endeavor', as he said." Galivinth explains as they reach the bus stop and move to sit on its bench.

"Heh. Sounds amusing, honestly. I'd be lying if I said I felt no appeal to what you just described to me." Naeth shares as a grin curves his lips.

"Still, I want to know your intention and thoughts on it. You're deliberately pursuing physical confrontation? "

"I mean... it sounds cool, but I'm just going to learn how to defend myself. I'm not all that interested in obtaining some kind of mystical power or whatever it is. But, I thought you might get some enjoyment out of it, given your competitive nature. Plus, it's a great opportunity to hang out more often with you again." Galivinth casually answers.

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