Olympian Bloodline: Chapter 2

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T H A C K !

Righteous Lad just barely raises his arms within a tight X-formation to block a strong blow from the hostile stranger who came looking for him - a hit that sends him soaring back for miles, crashing through a playground set before he manages to maneuver into a rolling backflip and begins skidding along concrete and grass. His right hand trying its best to get a grip and slow himself into a complete stop, eventually succeeding when he nears the sidewalk behind him.

"This guy is strong…" The hero utters under his breath with a soft look of disbelief on his face. Just as he rises to stand at his full height again, he spots his adversary approaching. Advancing in a mad dash beyond any human or animal capability and kicking up thick clouds of dust in his wake. 

"Tch! I can't let him keep me on the defensive!" And with those words and burning determination, Tyson abruptly kicks into a sprint of his own. Faster and within a blur that just couldn't be kept up with. The two meet at a center point, where Tyson claims the advantage and quickest strike - a lunging knee to the stomach that knocks the wind out of the other, who nearly goes limp. The only thing keeping the snow-white haired male from flying back is Tyson's sturdy grip on his shoulders. Releasing his hold, his adversary winds up stumbling backwards while holding his midsection, and it's during that moment that Tyson moves forward via gliding with flight, allowing the soles of his boots to slide along solid ground again as he closes off the distance again with an uppercut. The other's chin shoots skyward upon impact of a thunderous DHOOOM! Not a strike he puts all of his effort into, but he's quick to deliver several more. T H M P! A left hook to the stomach. T H W A C K! A right right hook to the jaw. 

Just as he's preparing to throw his next punch, he catches sight of his peculiar opponent wearing a teeth-bearing grin despite having his head jerked by a solid blow.

 [ He's.. He's smiling? Am I holding back too much? ] The hero ponders to himself and hesitates for a split second. From merely tossing another halfhearted punch, he shifts to the intent of hitting the other young man with all of his might. A punch so strong, it cuts right through the air and leaves shreds of blurry lines in its trail. K R O O O O O M ! ! !

The contact causes the ground beneath their feet to fracture and crumble with the threat of caving into a 4 meter radius crater, the Shockwave travels far enough to blow paper whisking away into the wind, trash cans to fall over, windows of cars within a mile of the area to shatter instantly, and even send hats flying off people's heads. 

However, the other doesn't budge an inch. Not only does he not even move a single step, but he's also caught the hero's fist within the palm of his hand. A sight that makes Tyson stare as if the very unthinkable just took place before his very eyes.

"I put… NNNGH! I put everything behind that one!" Righteous Lad comments while attempting to pull his hand away. His efforts are to no avail. 

"Hah-heheheh… That was your best shot, huh?" The other asks rhetorically while arching a brow in utter amusement.

"Not even the black sheep of Apollo's kin has what it takes to challenge my strength. Though, that's not necessarily your fault… No, it's simply the way of life. You're either born weak or born blessed to be one of the strongest!" The male continues, suddenly applying a tighter grip that makes the hero grit his teeth in discomfort.

"So, listen well, weakling. I am the son of Hercules, the strongest God to ever walk Mount Olympus. My name is Hurleon, the second strongest man to ever live and the greatest to ever bestow his undeniable presence to the world!!!" The prideful young man exclaims with excessive vigor as he squeezes even harder around Righteous Lad's hand. 

"Aegh!?" That discomfort was genuinely beginning to hurt more than Tyson is willing to put up with. In an attempt to get loose, he takes a swing with his free hand, aiming for Hurleon's face. However, that fist too is caught in the very same fashion. His adversary applies more pressure and makes the hero take a reluctant knee while quaking behind struggling.

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