🔪Chapter 3⛓

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The MHA timeline is not to the most accurate description in this story

The coffee was cold and the donut was hard. Or at least that's what Midoriya wanted it to feel like. Why? Why was everything so warm and sweet? It wasn't fair. Not fair at all. Behind all this fake goodness was a small kid who wished he could be special too.

Leaving the shop was probably the best thing he could've ever done and at the right time too. 2 more seconds and he would've shot himself between the eyes. No way the Todoroki son was even real, the aloofness and failure to express human intelligence was enough to make someone question a hero society. Are these the heroes people put their trust in? I could do a better job.

But at the same time he felt giddy, he talked to the number 2 hero's son! He heard that Endeavor had married a lady with an ice quirk, that could have determined the dual hairstyle that the Todoroki son acquired. Due to genetic makeup and quirk evolvement that would mean he had.... 2 quirks!

Midoriya softly groaned while trying to cover his soft blushing face. 2 quirks? The world was really biased. Out of his back pocket, he pulled out a pad of sticky notes which already had some writing on them. Endvevour's prominence burn would be a good special move to be passed down. But what about his other power? He scribbled down in messy hand writing.

He turned the corner into an alley way. The bright sunny day without a cloud in the sky suddenly turned gray and cloudy. But did he care? Absolutely not. Well not until he heard a small whisper in the distance to which he slowly crept closer, pressing his back against a near by wall. "The attack on the USJ should go to plan, we need boss to specialize all the groups." USJ? What's that? Midoriya listened closely, there was some attack being planned... at a school? What kind of people would attack a school? The talking had stopped for a couple of seconds before to his surprise, his throat was met with a hard, sharp familiar object.

"Listening were we?" Izuku scrunched his nose in disgust looking at the person he had been spying on. What it even a person? Looked more like a lizard to him. A gross, green, scaly lizard that was pointing a knife at him. That was really pissing him off.

"Not my fault really. I was walking in the neighborhood and heard about your little plan. Sounds.... interesting" he dropped the 2 items in his hand, the noise caused the over grown reptile to press it harder into Midoriya making a small mark. "Don't test me little boy, I could kill you right here if I wanted too" the remark made him chuckle. The sudden outburst of laugher pained him as the cut on his neck grew, now leaking droplets of blood. "Kill me right now?" He took his free hand, reached into his back pocket and pulled out a gift he had been keeping with him. "I don't think we've met. My name is Deku." He pointed his hands directly at the lizard. "We should play a game! You have a knife and I have a gun, which do you think will win? Or should I pull the trigger and let you find out for yourself?" He asked.

"You little" he growled. He pulled his knife away from the smaller boys throat, but pulling it horizontally slashing his neck further in the process. The cut grew deep, and more red liquid splashed on the grey pavement. Izuku fell to his knee, coughing. His vision turned blurry. As he looked up, he saw the green figure smirking. The weight of his entire body shook as he pushed himself off his knees. "You're really pissing me off" he mumbled. His right hand fired off the trigger without hesitation. The reptile seemed to dodge the bullet with no effort whatsoever, but the aftersound of the contact with the walls were excruciating. Midoriya felt his ears ring, as his vision blurred out once once.

He stumbled backwards as he said "you're one of those League of Villian kids. I can smell the pathetic" he mocked the smirk he was given a couple minutes ago. "I'll make you pay, you bastard! Don't disrespect the LOV name!" He charged at Midoriya head on. Despite his figure, Izuku yawned before pulling the trigger again. With a loud bang, instead of the color green, he saw it tainted with a bit of red. Shooting it in the head would've been too easy, so Midoriya aimed for the feet.

The lizard screeched as it fell to the ground. With the ringing still haunting his ears, he yelled "shut up!" And to his disappointment it only screeched louder. Paying no attention to it, he sighed loudly. His knees were bruised, his neck had been loosing more blood than ever and didn't seem like it was going to stop any time soon. And he had to get out of here quickly before the heroes showed up. Izuku groaned as he felt the sharp pain of skin being torn. He looked down to see the knife stuck in his lower left calf. Reptile guy had managed to hit him one more time despite his figure too. "F-fuck" he muttered under his breath. His vision blurred once again but this time it took longer to regain, his breathing had become unstable. He needed to get out of here.

Right foot, left, right foot, left. His mind raced. His left leg felt numb, taking out the knife would be a dumb move so he had no choice but to leave it in, but it shot pain up his leg every time he moved it. The sunshine finally hit his face as he left the alleyway.

His purple bruised knees burned as the hit the concrete ground. His brain turned foggy white. The ground was so cool, just perfect for his hot, flushed faced. His arms and legs were surrounded by the red liquid, but Izuku didn't dare to move. The warm spring breeze pushed his hair out of his face, and the white soon turned to black.

Hi! If you liked the chapter don't forget to vote! I update on weekends!


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