🩹Chapter 4🗝

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The MHA timeline is not to the most accurate description in this story

Why am I the way I am? What is wrong with me? Why can't I be special too? Having a quirk was a bare minimum. Why was I not given one? Was I not enough? Was it not enough for me to have the same hope others had to become a hero? I wanted to save others, why can't I now?

"Izuku, always remember I love you no matter what" his mother held him close. "Mom, do you know what I love about all might? That no matter the situation, he always has a smile on his face." Small Midoriya said. His lower lip trembled. "Can I someday be like that?" Tears flooded down his mom's cheeks. "I'm sorry Izuku, I failed you" she hugged him tighter.

At the age of 4, quirks usually start developing. I was so ready to get mine, and it was almost coincidental that it never appeared. Soon we found out due to an extra joint in my foot, that I would be quirkless. Normally, I would've started crying but something in me felt spaced out. I guess I never really grasped the fact that I couldn't be a hero. After that I refused to believe I didn't have a quirk. Those mild delusions were the only things keeping me sane. But with the 5 stages of grief came the 5th stage, acceptance. I still haven't completely hit that stage yet.

Midoriya slowly dazed back into existence. The black blurred into a light concrete gray color. There was a slight sound of keyboard keys clacking and a scent of coffee and donuts. What Deja vu. The steel bars surrounding him definitely complimented the grey concrete- wait steel bars?! Midoriya shot up. The second he sat upright, his head pounded, causing his world to spin. He furrowed his brows through the pain. His fingertips gently grazed over his now bandaged wounds, the fabric feeling tight meaning they had just been wrapped on him. His urge to get up stopped once he realized his legs were chained. Nervously, he rattled the chains cuffed around each foot, his bandages now tainted a new red color. The heroes had caught him.

Quickly he patted his back pockets, empty. They had taken his gun too. Midoriya let out air he was holding in and fell on his back, he groaned as the bed he was laying on was just as hard as the concrete below him. While stroking a hand throughout his green locks, he thought of a way.... to do something he just didn't know it yet. I mean he had lost all hope, the heroes had caught him, and they had put him in a community jail, if he ran that only meant that they would find him because of all the civilians near by.

Sitting back up once again, he used his free hands which weren't chained to feel the ones on his feet. He pressed on different parts of the cuffs, trying to find a pressure point. Izuku knew that everything had a pressure point which is a point on the surface of the body sensitive to force. It's usually a lot softer than the rest of an object, and just a light press could shatter the whole thing. Pressure points were a lot more difficult to find on multi shaped objects but could still be easily found using the center of mass, which is where all of the mass was stored and easily distributed throughout the object. Pressure points also worked on humans too, like adding some simple force to the back of the neck could leave someone unconscious. But that was besides the point.

After a while, he found a couple of spots but none of them seemed to work. It was as if it didn't have a weak spot, which was entirely impossible. "Whatever you're doing, stop it's not going to work." A voice startled him. It was deep and had a hint of a rasp. Izuku turned his sore back which gave a little crackle to see not 1 but 2 people standing before him, behind the bars of course. The dark haired one was the person who had spoken to him. He looked warm wrapped up in a scarf, but also terrifying at the same time, his scowl almost made Izuku shit his pants. Almost. "I hope you know why you're here" he said.

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