MBTI types and breaking rules!

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xNTPs (INTPs, ENTPs): Will break a rule if it doesn't make any sense and/or there's a logical reason to do so. Another possible reason for them to break a rule is someone telling them outright they can't/shouldn't/mustn't do it.

xNTJs (INTJs, ENTJs): Will break a rule if it doesn't make any sense AND there's a logical reason to do so.

ExFPs (ESFPs, ENFPs): Will break a rule for basically any reason. ExFPs like the thrill of being above the law and doing whatever they please with no restrictions.

xSTJs (ISTJs, ESTJs): To see an xSTJ break a rule is a tremendously rare sight. Those types uphold rules and societal norms above almost everything, but if they do, it's almost always to protect a loved one or to stop their superior from making a huge mistake (though this scenario is really rare).

IxFPs (INFPs, ISFPs): Will break a rule if it conflicts with their morals and/or if it limits their freedom or individuality

xSTPs (ISTPs, ESTPs): xSTPs are fond of breaking rules, though, unlike the ExFPs, they usually do it when there's something to gain from breaking the rule. Like the xNTPs, if someone tells them they can't/mustn't do it, they've probably already started. They are rebellious by nature and any attempts to control them in any way can only lead to more rule breaking.

xSFJs (ISFJs, ESFJs): xSFJs don't really like breaking the rules, but are still more likely to do so than their fellow Guardians. Possible reasons for them to break a rule include protecting a loved one (I once read a fascinating story where an ESFJ frees an ISTP guy with a death sentence who she's in love with but refuses to escape with him, instead deciding to confess and getting herself thrown in jail). Also, if the rule deeply conflicts with tradition/social norms/their morals, there's a good chance they will break it if they have enough reasons to do so.

xNFJs (INFJs, ENFJs): xNFJs don't really go together as a group in their preferences for rule breaking, but they are the last two, so.... xNFJs are similar to xNTJs in that they don't break the rules as often as other iNtuitives. INFJs, like Rationals, see the concept behind the rule and decide if it's worth breaking. Unlike Rationals, who let their emotions and morals take a back seat in decision making, INFJs give their morals an equal say as logic in the process. ENFJs will break a rule if following it benefits the group or at least doesn't affect them in a negative way.

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