💚Morning Daze☁️❤️

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HIIII! I got continuation requests for both of my character-specific chapters so I'm doing a sequel to Cuddlebug! Hope you guys enjoy it because howdy's just HSHDUSGSJSVS! Also, this is mostly based on my personal experiences with sleep paralysis. But I hope it's relatable for those who just have vivid nightmares.

Also, art I made of him 👇

And now the chapter will actually start!

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And now the chapter will actually start!

Did it work? It actually worked! You weren't alone anymore, those horrific creatures from your nightmares weren't there! When paralysis took hold it was quiet, though you still panicked you couldn't move. Nothing bad happened, you didn't see anything or anyone, and all you felt was a fuzzy feeling of embrace, after months and months, you finally didn't hyperventilate when you woke up, and you didn't feel scared, or paranoid, though the thought of everything just being a false dream still stood in the back of your mind. But when the sun rose and you were sleeping peacefully,  the feeling of a warm light source gently untied the complex rope of tension you felt as your eyes slowly opened. But you were slightly dazed, forgetting where you were for a moment, but when you switched the side you were laying on, boy did you know.

It all came back to you in an embarrassing rush of emotions, the late-night conversation, the fact you were in a thin sleep shirt, sleeping near him, it made heat rush to your face. As you slowly tried to creep away from where you were, all four of his arms pulled you back to him, holding you close, it made you feel fuzzy and weightless. While you freaked out, thinking of all the possible ways to escape this situation, you heard a stifled chuckle. This made you immediately look up to see he was looking down at you, trying and failing to hold back his laughter. "Howdy! That's not- this isn't funny!" after saying this you tried to scramble away, but to no avail, he pulled you back holding you even closer, if that was possible. "Don't be like that, its nothing bad, just you being embarrassed about this is really cute.". Cute, he kept calling you cute, it just made you more nervous. When you stopped squirming, like a fly in a web, he finally loosened up letting you sit up and gather yourself before you passed out from how jittery you were.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to upset you. Want breakfast? I can make something before I open up shop." You nodded, hiding your face in your hands, yet another embarrassing realization struck you, there was no way to sneak back to your house, what would your neighbors think? But you had to change your clothes, you couldn't walk around in just your sleep shirt and shorts. As he exited the room you thought of every possible solution, just get clothes at the shop? No, you would have to buy them and you really didn't feel like crafting at seven in the morning. You could ask. But he had done so much for you already. Oh well, walking around like this will have to do, as nice as it would be to take a shower.

As you headed out the door and into the living room/kitchen area, you almost instantly noticed Howdy cooking up a storm, with a rather amusing pink apron. You quickly walked up next to him, looking over his shoulder, "Wow, looks good! What spices did you add?" He flinched slightly at his sudden realization of your presence, before answering "Oh yeah, all-purpose seasoning, a dash of pepper, oh and do you like cheese on your eggs?","Yeah, cheese is fine," You studied the area around him, he was very neat and meticulous about where he put everything. It was weird, you two just hanging out, being in the same place, it was oddly intimate but still relatively normal feeling. Luckily for you, he hadn't brought up the whole thing that happened last night. You don't know what came over you, saying that he was precious to you with a straight face?

You felt crazy because of it, but he didn't mention a thing, thank goodness you don't know what you would do if he- "So about last night," DANG IT! "I don't want to embarrass you, we'll more than you already are, but I wanted to talk to you about two things, mainly one. But I'll get the easy one out of the way first, how'd you sleep?" You had the most obvious sigh of your life, "I slept really well actually, all the stuff you gave me really worked!" As you said this, you heard the hissing and sizzling of the stovetop halted, as Howdy walked over and plated the food, one pan in three of his hands and a spatula in the other, he evenly distributed eggs, bacon, and toast honestly it looked almost grommet. "Woah, this looks great! Better than my cooking for sure." He chuckled, walking back and placing all of the pans back onto the stove. "That's great to hear y/n, the no nightmares thing, and about my cooking, I'd like to have you over like this more often." He replied sitting down across from you to eat.

But as you took the first bite of your eggs, he said something else "So, the thing you said, or well I said, we said? Doesn't matter, you said I was also precious to you and I-" you nearly died, choking on your food and having to cough into the nearby napkin "Oh my word, are you ok?" You continued your coughing fit, shaking your head "Yeah-Yeah I'm *cough* fine, just a little startled is all." Liar, liar, liar pants of fire, you were beyond not ok, hearing him say that so casually made your heart flutter, no, those butterflies in your stomach were surging, spiraling, exploding even. How are you supposed to reply? How do you answer that? Why did he have to ask? "But, I just wanted to ask, did you really mean that? Or did you mean it in a different way? I don't want things to be weird when we hang out if you even still want to. Sorry if it's overwhelming I didn't know how to really tell you and it ended up slipping out yesterday." He seemed to be really stressing over it, and that kind of made you feel a little sad, you wouldn't have said that if you didn't mean it, how could you tell him that? "I do, I really do like you I just didn't know how to tell you and I just blurted it out, I really do like you, you're really cool!".

You squeezed your eyes shut, not even daring to make eye contact. But when you did finally muster the courage to look, the sight before you was wildly unexpected. My my, how the turn tables. "Ah, umm, I-" you took a deep breath, "Yes I did mean it, exactly the way you did. I do like you, like a lot. You treat me well even if it inconveniences you and I really appreciate that." you nervously fiddled with your fork, finding it hard to even think coherent thoughts.

As you looked up, you saw the pure look of shock and happiness that radiated from Howdy, "Really, oh geez, I don't know what to say, I mean I guess I already did huh?" He stood from his seat, "May I, Hug you?" he asked, arms wide open. You happily obliged, nodding your head and standing to hug him. Without even a moment's hesitation, he picked you up, your feet hovering over the ground as he squeezed you into the tightest hug known to man. "Howdy!" You laughed, before he quickly pulled away, holding you like a cat, your legs drooping downwards, "Wait, does this make us partners now? Are we dating? Is this how it works?". You laughed at this as he put you down, heat rushed to his face, very obviously flustered, "Don't laugh! I'm being so serious right now." He crossed his first two arms, placing the other two on his hips.

However your giggling fit didn't stop, "I'm sorry, that was just really unexpected." you continued to chuckle, he was... romantically clumsy for someone who pretty much had their life together. It was cute the way he was so straightforward but still embarrassed, he was nothing but a big lovable goofball. Howdy responded by being jokingly irritated, "Y/n!".

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" You took a deep breath, smile not leaving your face, "Yeah, if you're okay with it, then yeah, we are partners."

He lit up, reaching over and ruffling your hair, "Cool."

I AM SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG MY HIATUS HAS BEEN! I have been going through the wringer, working on more personal projects to try not to bum myself out. Even if it takes a while, I promise I will update again, and even give you guys some non-welcome home art to make up for it. Sorry again!

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