💚☀️🤍🍎Romantic headcannons to get back into the swing of things🍎🤍☀️💚

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AN: I know Ive been gone for MONTHS but I'm back lovelies! Enjoy my dumb little headcannons.


🍎 Ideal Date!- Wally's "ideal date" sure as hell isn't very surprising. He's the titular-bitchular main character of a children's show for god's sake, poor guy just wants a romantic candle lit dinner at home, or more like with it. Home is the constant 3rd wheel you don't want around, and he sure as hell doesn't want you around either. "Date? Ha, ha. You're brilliant neighbor, I was thinking the same thing. Why don't you come home with me, i'm sure Home would love to have you over." Yeah no, you declined immediately, feeling more comfortable in your own house, so you suggested that. "At your place? Sure. Why?" You just don't elaborate, saying that you had something to give him. (you then proceeded to sprint to the bugdega and beg howdy for some sort of gift to get wally, you ended up with a bushel of shiny red apples, crispy the way he preferred it.)

🍎 Form of affection- Gift giving, he isn't the best with words given his slowed and monotone speech, but he can express himself with gifts he gets you or even drawings of you and him doing domestic stuff like holding hands or a doodle of you in some obscure abstract setting, he explains it as follows, "The background? Oh, its nothing, it's all I saw. When I was drawing thats all I could see." He often described the thoughts in his head as things he saw, he couldn't differentiate the two. Maybe there wasn't a difference...

🍎 How does he hold your hand?- He holds your hand with both of his, it's quite cute but you aren't sure why he does it, he said it was to make sure he held on tight, but you didn't think it was the only reason.

🍎 Odd quirk- He stares at you all the time, not that it was unusual, but he stares at you a lot. One time you forgot he was staying over at your house for the night, and when you woke up he was sitting by the edge of your bed. "Did I wake you? Sorry, I can't sleep." It freaked you out but you just kinda rolled with it, standing up before grabbing his shoulders and sitting him down on the bed, grabbing a blanket and trapping him in it, gently lifting him and laying him down. Long story short y'all cuddled. (Yeah I imagine he's be easy to move around, if you said you could trust him as far as you could throw him you would be able to trust every word he said.)


🤍 Ideal Date- Going out shopping for clothes, you and Julie get up to some shenanigans, them being genderfluid makes for some fun outfits, they get any and all types of clothes, aesthetic doesn't matter, he can pull of anything, and gosh does she do it well. If it's colorful Yep, it's in the closet. But she took you out and dressed you in the most flamboyantly fluffy clothes, sleeves? Ruffled. Dresses? Floor length, floral, colorful and gorgeous! She definitely buys matching clothes for you two. I'll probably draw something for this and put it in a future chapter. Flared yellow pants and a white top for you, a yellow top with a white skirt for them, it looks cute on the two of you. "Sugar! I got these new outfits! And I know we both went to the theater last week, but I think that we would look wonderful, and of course you would be stunning!"

🤍Form of affection- Physical touch, she's a very hug oriented person. Like I said in the first batch of headcannons she tackles you into hugs. She surprises you with sneaky kisses, and she hides like a kid whenever you turn to see who gave it to you, "Eep! Haha! Got you!". She'll sneak up and hug your waist, she tends to hug you like that when it's just you two, there is a level of PDA she won't cross, like no makeouts in public, she'd be too embarrassed.

🤍How do they hold your hand?- They hold onto just your pinky, it's cute and subtle, more often than not she'll grab your hand and walk shoulder to shoulder with you.

🤍Odd Quirk- Can't focus on just one thing, a complete scatterbrain in the best way possible. The personification of OH MY GOD SQUIRREL! "Wow that's really pretty- WHAT IS THAT!?" This extends to her conversations with flowers, apparently she has multiple conversations with them at once, you caught her talking to 5 and replying with ease. I guess not being able to focus on only one thing made her a multitasking master, it might even rival Howdy and his four arms being able to individually do different tasks.


💚Ideal date- His ideal date isn't very... conventional? His ideal date would most likely be going to one of Barnaby's comedy shows or listening/reading some slam poetry with you. If you're a creative writer of some sort, he would just go through your work for fun. If you do art? He'll sit with you and watch you paint. Are you a singer/songwriter? Karaoke time baby! As long as it's artistically inclined he's THERE. Mainly he wants to know of your interests and share some of his with you. Most likely this would take place in your house, but occasionally you'll bring your creative materials and share them with him while he restocks the bugdega.

💚Form of affection- Verbal and Physical, he's the type to tell you that he loves you all the time, and hugs, LOTS of hugs. He has two sets of arms, he can hold you and multitask, so that's what he does. More often than not he'll see you walking by his shop and rush to the front to yell "Love you!" as you pass by, either that or when you enter the store he'll walk up to you and ask "What are you doing?" and you'd answer, only for him to reply with, "Why are you doing that? You should really be in my arms instead." then of course scoop you up and basically steal you to behind the counter to talk (after, and only after he deems you've been held captive in his arms for long enough, does he help you find whatever you were lookin' for.

💚How do they hold your hand- Due to the height difference (unless you're just that tall) he'll often use his lower set of hands to hold yours, since it's a little more leveled. He does the classic interlaced fingers, and he'll rub your thumb with his, it's adorable.

💚Odd quirk- Howdy likes to crochet, its something like a hidden talent though, since back in the day things like that were seen as "girlish", one day you asked why he kept it so hidden and he replied with, "Well, it's not every day that you see a man doing something' like crocheting cuddlebug, it's quite embarrassing."


☀️Ideal date - Going to the movies, holy heaven above does Sally love the theater! Musicals, rom coms, tragedy, they're down for it!  Except horror, Sally doesn't do horror stuff, it freaks her out, "I can admire the set design and theming, it's just not my cup of tea. I'd rather sleep tonight thank you!". Going to the theater dressed up for the movie is definitely something she'd do with you (think along the lines of minions rise of gru, and more recently the barbie movie).

☀️Form of affection- Acts of service and verbal affection, they hug almost everyone, but they do more for you, you can't explain it. She'll sit down and write whole plays for you, you find it interesting how you think some of the love interests dress like you or have similar mannerisms. She wrote a play to ask you out. They'll see you, walk up to you, stare for a second, and then shower you with compliments and sweet words, "Wow, sunshine, you look stunning, so beautiful, no show stoppingly gorgeous, you almost made me forget my lines for my upcoming play!".

☀️How do they hold your hand?- They don't hold your hand all that much, it's too simplistic, so she clings to your arm instead. The times that they do hold your hand it's the typical interlaced fingers dealio.

☀️Odd quirk- As much as they love a good show analysis, she hates it when people point out all of the tropes, they are cliche for a reason and it's not right to point them all out, "If you boil down any and ALL artistic pieces into their labeled parts you forget to admire it as a whole! It takes the fun out of it,". She is adamant that just because something is trope heavy it doesn't mean that it's a bad thing, because everything is inspired by everything else, it's nearly impossible to make something that's 100% nuanced and different, because many things have been done before. "It's all in the execution!"

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