Greed at it worst -Mammon-

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Mammon finds out you are being bullied </3

TW for violence and bullying ^^
The day started off simple enough. You ate breakfast like normal, you walked to school with Mammon, and all of your morning classes went as they usually did, lunch was pretty good, and your day at RAD was coming to a close. As the students began filing out of the school, you decided to continue your search for your greedy (but loveable) best friend. You turned back inside, where the shoe lockers were, and were about to put your school shoes back on but were stopped by something slamming you into the locker behind you. A random demon had shoved you against the locker, holding you by the collar of your shirt as he held you up, glaring at you.

"What do you want." You say meekly, assessing your current situation. Your back hurt from the slam and 5 demons were currently surrounding you, leaving no room for an escape. All you could do was struggle to get out of the demons grip.

"Why are humans so weak? God, humans suck. You think you're so special just because you live with the student council, but you're no better than living garbage, do get that?" The demon that was holding brought you to his face so he was staring directly into your eyes, your faces inches apart. The demons around him laughed as he threw you to the the ground and they formed a circle around you. Each one of them was in their demon forms, wings spread out and fangs bared. One of demons kicked you as you begun to stand up, causing you to fall right back down. There was no escape. Their wings had blocked any gap between them for you to slip through. The demon who had picked you up before knelt down, grabbing you by your hair. He punched you in the face with a force strong enough to send you back into the lockers behind you, the force knocking you out.

When you awoke, you were still in the same spot on the ground up against the lockers. You reached into your pocket to find your D.D.D to see how long you were out, but it had only been a few minutes. You began to get up, only to fall right back down from how dizzy you felt. Being wise enough to not try again, you decided to call the one demon you knew could help you right now.

He answered the phone as soon as you called, immediately asking where you were.

"Mammon, can you come to the fron of the school? Also, I should be asking where you are. I was looking for you all day." You gave a small laugh. He agreed to come get you, although you didn't tell him of your current predicament. So, when he arrived, he had nothing but panic on his face. He rushed to your side, looking at your various injuries.

"What.. happened?" He asked, looking at you with tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. You explained how a couple of demons decided to show you just how much they hated humans and this was the result. He carefully picked you up bridal style and began walking to the House of Lamentation and brought you to your room and started taking care of you. He may be an idiot most of the times, but at least he knew how to treat your various injuries with a first-aid kit he had gotten from the bathroom.

As he was finishing up, Lucifer walked into the room. He was going to scold Mammon for running off without warning, but then saw the state you were in. You told him what happened as well, and he immediately called Lord Diavolo, despite your protests. "I'm fine, really. Humans bounce back quick." Mammon gave you a small smile, but he didn't believe you.
The next day went by the same as yesterday. You got to school normally, classes were normal, and lunch was normal.
However, those five demons from before decided to taunt you once more by holding you back from leaving with everyone else in your classroom. You tried shoving past them, but to no avail. As they looked at you, the leader who had beat you up previously seemed to almost admire his work as he looked at each visible bruise on your body. He even lifted up your shirt to look at the ones on your stomach and back.

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