Sora sighed as they walked into the ice cream parlor. It was a warm day, and he was wishing he hadn't put his jacket on.

Darla was still asleep in Puro's arms, the Cat-Bat hybrid setting her down in a chair nearby.

Christmas sighed to himself as he watched Puro sit down, July slowly hugging her shoulders, Puro retiring it with a full hug, July resting her head on hers.
"You know what I want?" July asked, "A picnic. Just me and you, on a sunny June afternoon, and we'd stay out all day and watch the sunset and then the stars,"

The wolf wanted that so desperately, to be in a loving relationship.
He looked across at Sora. There was something about him that made Christmas feel all bubbly inside. The way he walked, the way he talked, the way he was currently wearing his varsity jacket around his shoulders like a cape.

He hadn't realized it, but he was blushing, and the eagle had noticed.
"You okay dude? You're a little red, and that's saying something! You hot?"

"Huh?" The red wolf shook his head, "Oh, yeah. Um.. I just need some ice cream, oh look! It's here now! Heh," he pushed his glasses back onto his nose, quickly spooning the chocolate ice cream into his mouth.

Sora raised a brow, "Ok, if you say so.." he took a sip of his Milkshake, putting his feet on the table.

"Ahahah!" Puro panicked, "Get those feet down," she kicked his chair, and he fell backwards,

"Woah," the bird fell, and they all laughed until the bird spotted something in the wall. A weird tunnel of some sort, sparking with purple and black lightning.
What the fu- "Ahhh!"

The grey one shouted as he started being sucked in.
"Sora!" Christmas cried out, holding his hands, pulling.

But it was no use, he was already halfway through the tunnel.
"Hold on!" Puro flew over, grabbing Christmas' legs, July coming over and holding her waist.

"Woah!" Tails had just walked by coincidence, not hesitating to help the four.
But with one pull, all five were sucked into the wormhole, leaving Darla alone in the parlor.

"Chao?" She questioned, looking around. Empty seats, non of Blue's friends, and all the ice cream she could eat.


"Ah!" Tails was the last to fall through, landing in a weird grassy field, all grey.
"What's going o-" he felt a tap on the shoulder, turning to find Puro, Sora, Christmas, and July all staring absolutely gobsmacked at the scene in front of them.

"Is that?"
"Blue! And Sonic! And it looks like there's something brewing," Puro finished, rushing towards them, Tails following.



"Woah," Blue has to stop and marvel at the beauty of the area they had just walked into.

They'd been walking for quite some time, but Sonic seemed to have a haunch one of the emeralds was coming from a lush green forest, free from any nosy inventions or desert.
"This been here the whole time?" Sonic questioned. He was sure that Eggman would have polluted every area possible by now.

"Yeah. I guess he just decided to leave this area alone," Asura clearly wasn't sure either, continuing walking.
They already had five of the emeralds, which meant only two more to go.
Suddenly Sonic stopped, "Wait,"
"What?" Blue turned, finding him crouched near the ground.

"Do you feel that?" He started walking towards a cave, "Chaos Energy,"
The trio walked towards the dark cave in the wall, overgrown by vines.

"How about I stay out here, and keep watch?" Asura insisted, Blue nodding and putting their thumbs up, the two wandering into the cave.

"There," Sonic whispered, noticing the soft cyan glow down the side of the cliff.
"I'll grab it," Blue swooped down, picking the small gem up.

"Good, now let's get out of here," Sonic nodded, rushing off.

"Right," Blue followed, handing the Emerald to the hedgehog.
"How did you know?"

"How did you just know where the emerald was?" Blue asked.

"It's complicated. I don't really even know myself. I just... have a connection to them, I guess." He smiled as they neared the entrance.

"Ah. Finally daylight- woah!" He fell over as tremors hit, rocks falling, "oh, haha nice!"
"Come on!" The dragon picked him up, flying towards the entrance,

"We're not going to make that!" Sonic realized, taking the emerald and throwing it to Asura, who caught it just as the entrance caved in.
"Oh boy," Sonic seemed panicked as he tried to move the rocks, "Oh no,"

Blue put a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, it's ok. I'm sure we can find a way out-"
"No, no! You don't understand! It's too small, too dark, too-" he trailed off, and the dragon understood.

"It'll be alright, I promise. Just hang in there," they gestured for him to stand back as he let out a blast of lightning, his horns turning electric blue for a brief second.
Sonic took it as his cue to spin dash the rocks, and they fell apart, leaving a small opening just big enough for the two to squeeze through.

"Hey," Blue looked around, realizing that someone was missing, "where's Asura?"
"There," Sonic pointed to where the forest become a field, the shadowy Xtarian slowly walking towards a bright red glow in the long grass.


"At last," the dragon grinned, the red shining in his face, "All seven Chaos Emeralds. Oh, I can already feel their power"

"Hey!" He turned, seeing Blue and Sonic running up to him, Asura frowning in hatred.
Ugh. Not these motherfuckers again.

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