"Hey!" Blue shouted at Asura, slowly reaching for what was the Red Chaos Emerald

"The last emerald!" Sonic shouted excitedly, rushing to it but Asura swiftly grabbed it out of reach.
"Ah, not so fast," he took out the others, and the seven circled around him, Blue rushing over.

"Asura? What's going on?"
"Ah, Blue. Join me," he held out a hand, but the dragon stepped back. "What's wrong? Don't you trust a friend?"

"I'm not so sure you are a friend, are you?" Blue realised. "You're the one who trapped us in the cave, aren't you?."
"Hey, yeah," Sonic realized, "Come to think of it. Didn't you push us on and on to find this emerald? You didn't want us to use it, did you? You wanted to use us to find it for you, to do your dirty work for you,"

Asura chuckled a bit
"Clever kids,"

"You lied to us!" Blue hissed, "You're going to tell me. Right NOW. What your true intentions are and who was the dragon in my dream."
"You'll find out soon enough," Asura breathed in the air, sighing.
"You never wanted us to get home, did you?"

"Do you feel that? The energy of a dying world!" He grew bigger, slowly changing shape.

His wings became longer, his body became long and shadowy, and his arms disappeared but his legs became larger and thicker, his face morphing into pupil-less eyes and a wide toothy mouth, all around his body cogs surrounded him..

"You're not an Xtarian, are you?" Blue realized, as Sonic recognized his form.
"You're a-"
"A Time Eater. And not just any time eater, the most powerful one in the world!"

He growled at the two, "You don't realize do you? I needed you for my plan. I needed you to find the emerald me for me and now," he held them in his palms, draining them of their energy, dropping them to the ground, "and now I have the two most powerful beings that don't even know it yet, trapped here, in a world where they're both Dead!"

Blue gasped after hearing that.

"Yes, you try to stop Infinite yourself." He tutted. "Poor thing, so young and innocent, so full of confidence. You were sure you'd be the one to avenge your hero, to be the one to save the day. But alas." He shook his head mockingly.

"You fail and are taken straight to the Death Egg. Where you were brutally murdered by 1,000 angry Phantom Jackals, right in front of the one you swore to protect. Before he is murdered right beside you."

"No.." Blue breathed, unable to believe it.
"Blue, shut it out! He's trying to get to you," Sonic shouted, "You did save me, remember? You and your team. You saved me from that bounty. This is a fake reality! A fallen abyss! This never happens!"

Blue shook himself out of it, Asura getting angry.
"You. Stay out of it." He growled, lunging at the hedgehog.

"No!" Blue yelled, standing in front of him, "Leave. Him. Alone." He growled, eyes turning electric.
"Whatever you say, guardian," he almost seemed to roll his eyes as Puro, Sora and Christmas made their way over, "You're both helpless to stop me. With the Chaos Emeralds drained, there's nothing anyone can do to stop me!" He laughed, as he started to tear the world apart.

"Sonic, what the flip flop is going on?" Tails asked, fear in his voice mad they all watched the grass around them turn grey and start to fade away.
"Time Eater.." he seemed out of breath.

"Ugh.." Christmas suddenly said, falling into Sora's arms, "Guys, I don't feel too good.."

"Oh no," Sora looked at his arm, it was already turning black,
"The corrosion's started," Sonic realized, "This Earth and every living thing on it will eventually.. oh.. uh.." he suddenly felt weak, falling to the floor.

"Sonic!" Tails knelt down, watching as the corrosion spread onto his brother's legs, rendering them useless.
"Someone... needs to do something.." he tried to stand, but it was useless.

Blue sighed as he watched as everything around him started to erode, knowing what had to be done. He made eye contact with Sonic, who just nodded, him nodding back.
"Save yourselves and I'll hold them back" He announced to them all, his eyes turning electric yet again, his horns and spines turning a light electric blue.

"Hey, you!" He yelled to get the monster's attention, who turned to face him,
"Oh look, the little hero's back for more. Well, this place will be your grave!" He yelled, rushing at them, but Blue had already decided he wasn't going down without a fight.

"What do you even want this world for," he yelled as he shot out some lightning, Asura dodging it with ease,
"Is that a joke? A planet teaming with this much life has so much power for a Time Eater. So much your tiny brain could not comprehend." He sneered as Blue shot some more lightning, this time hitting, before ramming his horns into him.

But to their surprise and utter disappointment, there was zero damage done.
"You really thought you'd make a difference, didn't you? Ok," he laughed, "You actually stood your ground, I'll give you that, so I'll give you a head start," he stared to fire up an attack.

"Blue! Get out of there!" Sonic yelled, watching in horror and shock as the dragon was struck, falling to the ground.
"NO!" The blue screamed in horror as he hit the ground, before dragging himself over to the still body.

"Ha! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Last Xtarian is DEAD!"

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