A Desperate John Watson

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Firstly Sherlock Holmes was a lonely man, a man as he thought was a̶s̶e̶x̶u̶a̶l̶ demisexual and t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶d̶o̶m̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶l̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶e̶v̶e̶r̶. scared of intimacy? He'd always been different then the other people, with them often referring to him as a freak. When he realized his lack of sexual desire for most people he, as always, researched it and came to the conclusion that he was in fact a̶s̶e̶x̶u̶a̶l̶ demisexual.

Secondly Sherlock Holmes was a man that despised his physical needs. He hated the fact that he needed to eat, to sleep and that he needed to use the bathroom. He'd often put off eating and drinking until he was close to passing out. Sherlock k̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶o̶u̶n̶d̶a̶r̶i̶e̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶b̶o̶d̶y̶ ̶w̶e̶l̶l̶ thought to have known the boundaries of his body well and he didn't do anything that would put him in serious danger, or so he always said.

Thirdly as Sherlock Holmes had newly discovered he seemed to get aroused by desperation. Or more commonly said as: Sherlock Holmes had a piss kink. He has had new discoveries about his body and sexuality since pissing himself. He realized he might not be as sex repulsed as he'd thought.

Sherlock had been living with John Watson for some months now, if you'd asked how many months exactly he would've told you that he doesn't care but he knew it down to the minute. John had been living with him for 10 months, 14 days, 18 hours and 56 minutes. He knew.
Sherlock knew because as he had discovered, that the man that had assured him his heterosexuality was the one he wanted. The one he longed for. Sherlock the freak, that's what they'd called him. Everyone had constantly warned John about Sherlock and that he was just no good. No good, Sherlock was bad. But John had stayed.

Sherlock had moved his chair to be facing the bathroom, a subtle change that no one would notice. But he would because sometimes when they got home after a long day, John needed the loo badly and didn't bother closing the door. Sherlock would immediately sit down onto his chair and pretend to work or read. The first few times this happened John was embarrassed but by now it'd just become a kind of norm.
Something tingled in Sherlock when he could see Dr Watson's back, see his tense figure relax at the relief. Sometimes letting out a quiet moan that made Sherlock's dick rock hard.
Oh god, he was a pervert.

Sherlock had just solved another long hard case and it was around 7pm.
"Dinner?" he asked John, who seemed distracted but noded anyway.

Sherlock was already rambling about another case as he noticed the Doctor shifting in his seat, seeming uncomfortable. Mr Holmes inquired about his well being, but John only assured he was fine. Sherlock could see him blushing slightly as if he'd been caught doing something bad.

They took a cab back to Backer Street. In the car Sherlock noticed John's squirming getting more and more intense. As to not embarrass his colleague further he pretended to read the paper, making a small noise. Sherlock could feel his cock stiffen and he could've sworn if John wasn't so distracted with his own issues he would've seen it.

John cursed under his breath as the cab came to a quick halt on a bridge. He thought about how he hadn't even held that long yet maybe a maximum of 3-4 hours, with limited liquid intake. Sherlock couldn't quite hide his excitement anymore, he became more and more aroused thinking about the possibility of John wetting himself. The small moan could escalate to a loud and strong one.

A small twinge in his abdomen reminded Sherlock that John wasn't the only one who hasn't been to the toilet in a while but he didn't care. Sherlock inquired about John's well being once more. John quickly stiffened and straightened his posture, assuring once again that he was fine. The pressure on his bladder making him cross his legs.
Sherlock was too disappointed that John was wearing dark pants, he wouldn't see the wet spots as well. His disappointment was even greater when they arrived at home quicker than anticipated.

The cab stopped abruptly causing another slight twinge in Sherlock's bladder and he was sure the Doctor must've felt it too. An audible but quiet gasp came from John's mouth, catching Sherlock's attention. John pressed his legs together tightly and Sherlock could've sworn he heard a hissing noise for a second or two. He was sure John would've grabbed himself if he hadn't been there.

Sherlock Holmes made a little coughing noise to get John's attention, who quickly made his way out of the cab. On his way out Sherlock gave John seat a little pat, it was as expected a little damp. Sherlock asked if John could unlock the door, who was dancing around, clenching his fists at his sides, one thigh firmly pressed above the other. John looked at him with pleading eyes so Sherlock just went to unlock the door himself. He thought for a second if he should go to the toilet before John but decided against it, seeing the desperate man.

As Sherlock got in he noticed that John wasn't following, so he turned around to look at him. John looked highly embarrassed and told him he just needed a minute. Sherlock warned that he wanted to shower, so John needed to hurry if he wanted to use the bathroom. The doctor pleaded to just wait a minute and Sherlock agreed.

As soon as John couldn't see him anymore, Sherlock bolted for the window with a view of the door. There he saw John crochet down, with a pained expression, both hands strongly pressed against his crotch. Even in this position John couldn't stay still and it made Sherlock even harder. But soon John caught himself and Sherlock had to pretend he was reading in his chair again. John dashed up the stairs and briefly paused on his way, he sort of thanked Sherlock for waiting on him.

As he entered the bathroom he didn't close the door, as expected and Sherlock repositioned himself to have a better view of John. To Sherlock's delight John had to dance around while fumbling his trousers open. Now Sherlock could see the large wet patch on John's trousers. John aimed and sighed loudly, stopping quickly not wanting Sherlock to hear. But Sherlock heard. And he peed, he peed a lot and it got Sherlock aroused like he'd never been before.

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