Seeing John wetting

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Firstly Sherlock Holmes was lonely and quite a bit kinky.
Secondly he wanted to feel the sheere desperation again, which he'd felt just a few days ago.
Thirdly he, needed to see John piss in his pants.
Forthly Sherlock didn't want sex with women because he was gay, gay for John Watson.

Sherlock had been thinking about it for some time now. Hearing the doctor piss wasn't enough anymore and John didn't need to know that Sherlock wanted him. Everytime he thought about it his cock had this tingling sensation.
So he started to plan...

It was a Tuesday, Watson was staying with him at home and they didn't have any cases. Sherlock didn't need any case today because he had something elaborate and important planned.
Mrs Hudson was gone for the day, visiting a friend Sherlock believed. She'd locked her door, wonderful. In the morning Sherlock sent John to do some shopping and in the meantime locked their bathroom, hiding the key. He'd gone beforehand just to make sure he could enjoy John's desperation to its fullest.

When John came back Sherlock told him Mrs Hudson had made tea for them before she left. Only after John had drank about one and a half cups did Sherlock tell him that "the toilet is broken", he added that he'd "already called a plumber but" that "he'll only be there near the evening". In reaction to the news John just made an uncomfortable face and went back to reading.

Sherlock was typing on his computer once again, secretly looking up at John every once in awhile. Some time later John first started to squirm slightly, getting Sherlock worried about wether he'd get a boner or not.
That's when Sherlock decided that he'd have to get him to drink more. So he placed his laptop beside him, stood up mumbling something like "ah shit" and went to the kitchen. From there he said "Mrs Hudson made the tea to be drank not to be collecting dust". Sherlock came out with two rather large cups of tea placing one in front of John.

John, not wanting to offend Mrs Hudson plus wasting her time, reluctantly took the cup and drank a few sips. He felt a slight sting in his abdomen but managed to not be noticed by Sherlock.
Sherlock on the other hand was now just waiting for things to escalate for John.

Another while later Sherlock heard John gasp and had to look up. He saw the doctor pressing his thighs together as hard as he could, burying his head in the book he was reading. Sherlock wanted to say something or tease him but for his plan to work he'd need to pretend that he didn't hear anything.

Sherlock looked up more frequently now and he wasn't disappointed. John was trying to keep his need low-key but he didn't succeed. He was subtly pressing against his crotch, his entire position was aimed away from Sherlock, as to not let the man know what was happening. One glance at the cup beside John revealed why he was in such a predicament, his cup was entirely empty, whereas Sherlock had barely touched his. Sherlock was very excited.

Not even half an hour later John audibly gasped again and pressed his hand into his crotch harder but this time I didn't seem to do what he wanted it to. In response he let his book fall to the floor, now pressing both his hands against his penis and pressing his thighs together that it hurt. He was panicking.
Sherlock, pretending not to see anything, said after a few seconds "Everything okay there John?" Instantly snapping the poor man back to reality. Falsely realizing that Sherlock never saw this he took his hands away from his crotch and picked up his book again, saying " 's fine".

John waited a few but agonizing minutes to be sure Sherlock wouldn't notice, to ask "Sherlock?"
" you know when the plumber's supposed to be here?"
Sherlock glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.
"In about 3 hours"
Oh Sherlock thought. Oh. What a delightful expression of dispair.
"Sherlock, the sun's disturbing me, would you mind if I move to chair?"
"No it's fine, although I don't think the sun's that bright today"

Sherlock still had a great view of what John was doing, even though John thought that Sherlock couldnt see a thing.
As another gasp excepted John's mouth and the man had to quickly unbutton his trousers to hold himself, Sherlock had to make sure his erection went unnoticed.
John suddenly stood up crossing his legs and holding his crotch. He looked at Sherlock, who had looked up at John from his laptop. John cried "I'm sorry Sherlock"
Sherlock didn't expect this or at least not this quickly, he stood up as well. John had tears streaming down his face "I'm so sorry".
"Can you walk" Sherlock asked
John shook his head in reply.
"Can you at least try to walk?"
No reply
"There's a sink in the kitchen, you know"
"You gotta help me" John begged
"Yes. Yes of course." Sherlock was exited

On the short way to to kitchen they had to stop multiple times and by the time they arrived Sherlock was actively holding John's crotch to "help" him
"Sherlock I can't anymore"
"You can" Sherlock encouraged
"Please don't be mad" John pleaded
"I won't"
John really couldn't take it anymore and started releasing urine into John's and Sherlock's hand.
At that John's eyes widened as he began panicking again. But Sherlock just pulled his hand away assuring him it was fine.
Sherlock offered to get some towels trying to hide that seeing John wet himself did indeed get him hard.
John himselft wasn't different though.

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