Desperate pissing and self pleasure

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Firstly Sherlock Holmes was lonely and quite a bit kinky.
Secondly he wanted to feel the sheere desperation again, which he'd felt just a few days ago.
Thirdly he, needed to piss his pants again
Fourthly Sherlock just needed John out of the house for a day or two.

"Sherlock, I'm leaving to visit my brother. You have to be careful and not get yourself killed in the meantime." John demanded
"Yeah sure..." Sherlock replied not looking up from his laptop
"Sherlock if you do not take this seriously I am calling your brother over" he threatened
"Alright, ok. I'll take care of myself", Sherlock said startled
"Good, now then. See you in two days" John smiled
"Goodbye John" Sherlock reciprocated


Great now he could put his plan into action.
°It's 4pm: time to drink some water° his alarm blared
"Yeah, yeah I'm on my way" Sherlock picked up a glass of water and drank it
"I should go piss now or otherwise this won't work"
Sherlock went to the bathroom making sure he had everything prepped in there. He then went into his bedroom and got himself tight but not too fancy and expensive trousers.
As he put them on he also got a belt that he put around his waist tightly but not painfully tight.
By the time he was done his alarm rang once again °It's 4:30, it's time to drink some water°

Over the course of the next few hours Sherlock regularly drank some, but not much water.
At 8pm he went to bed. In the bathroom it was unusual to not take off his pants and pee but he managed.

At 8:30pm he was laying in bed and Sherlock's need to pee was noticable but not desperate yet and he had to overcome his need to masturbate.


The next morning he woke up feeling the effects of last night's drinking. He needed to pee and no matter how he shifted his weight something was still pressing uncomfortably on his bladder.

He decided to stand up. As soon as he was standing his bladder ached. He doubled over holding himself as best as he could but his trousers made it hard to.
Both of his hand were clamped in between of his thighs, pressing on his crotch as hard as he could muster.
The wave of desperation passed and he was able to stand upright again. Sherlock took a look at the clock, it was only 8:34am.

Sherlock forced himself to have some breakfast. He made himself some scrambled eggs with tea. The need to pee made it hard to do nearly anything.
He ate his eggs and did his best to drink his tea quickly.

30 minutes later Sherlock drank some more water. By now every movement was hard and to Sherlock's distain Lestrade decided to visit just now.

Mrs Hudson entered the apartment
"Sherlock dear, Inspector Lestrade would like to have a word with you" she said
"I'm busy but he may come in" Sherlock proclaimed especially loud
"Sherlock don't be like that, I even have a case for you" Lestrade persuaded
Mrs Hudson had left and Lestrade was standing in the middle of the living room. Sherlock was still sitting down on the couch, his laptop sitting on his legs. He was desperately trying not to squirm infront of the Inspector.

Sherlock listened to Lestrade talk about some "very difficult" case that he would be able to solve in less than an hour. But at the moment he was using all his strength to not squirm or grab his crotch.
"Lestrade, why are you telling me this?" Sherlock interrogated
"I- erm, well I thought it might be interesting to you" Lestrade stuttered
"Look, John isn't here until tomorrow and I won't leave the house, as I am occupied with other things. You can leave any information here with me but if you want me to solve the case you'll have to leave." Sherlock reasoned
"Alright fine, thanks anyway"
Sherlock had to slowly get up as he thought it would be too impolite not to. The gravity on his bladder was absolutely terrible.

As soon as Lestrade had left the apartment had to cross his legs and hold his crotch just to make sure he didn't piss himself (yet).

The passing time didn't make anything better.
That's when it happened, the first leak. It was short and not very noticable but it meant that hsi control was slipping.
No matter what Sherlock did, if he was standing or sitting he always had to be dancing and squirming around. He couldn't hold it otherwise.
This was normally the point where he'd begrudgingly stand up and go pee but this time he wouldn't.

He was thinking about how just releasing it now would be so great and...oh no. This time it wasn't just a leak, it was a small stream.
He jammed his hands onto his crotch, he crossed his legs the best he could.
The stream lasted 5 seconds, his underwear had soaked up most of the urine, a small dark spot appeared on his light brown pants.

Sherlock liked the feeling of his wet underwear clinging to his penis. He was getting hard.
He'd decided that jerking off was the more important task now.
He took one of the easy wash pillows and started grinding on it. His boner came and went, his cum sticking to his underwear.
As he was no longer hard, his cock slightly gave out and he pissed for another 2 seconds, making the dark spot on his trousers larger.

He was constantly bobbing up and down, always keeping at least one hand on his dick. Sherlock knew he wouldn't be able to hold much longer so he went into the bathroom.
He sat down onto the closed lid of the toilet.
There he was still squirming and bouncing and holding himself.

After a while he had the feeling he needed to stand up or he'd piss himself anyway. Sherlock stood up and pressed his thighs together hoping to release some pressure of of his bladder and muscles. But his bladder gave out.
He sank to the floor desperately grabbing at his bladder trying to hold it but to no avail.
He pissed for 1 minute then more. He moaned at the relief. He just couldn't hold it.
He started taking off his belt, moving his hand into his trousers grinding his cock against his hand.
He was already hard again anyway. He began stroking his dick with his hand, breathing heavily. Thinking of the image of John pissing himself gave him the rest and he came, a bit of piss still coming out as well.

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