Training 01: Goku vs. Saitama: Part 3

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After Saitama's Serious Headbutt, Goku achieved a Super Saiyan combination called Super Saiyan God 3, even attracting the God of Destruction, Beerus. Then the battle continued when Goku managed to achieve Super Saiyan Blue 3 and used Kaioken at the same time. However, it also forced Saitama to use what he called his Ultimate Move, the Consecutive Death Punches, however, it didn't kill Goku but gave him full mastery of Ultra Instinct. And so the battle continues...

Goku vs. Saitama!

New Powers and Evolutions Run Amok!

Saitama was once again stuck as Goku suddenly launched him into the air and started attacking him. With Saitama at a predicament, he wondered about something. He was faced against a God of some sort. One that wishes to get stronger. For the first time in his life, defeat might actually be an option. He might actually lose. He was excited.

Saitama: No, excited might be an understatement. I'm actually... happy.

Suddenly, fire burst out of his body as he suddenly launched himself with fire to get the upper hand on this god.

Goku: Is this his answer to Ultra Instinct? If so, it might be fun. So, you achieved your greatest form. However, the shocks we might exchange could break apart the Earth. Let's take this into space.
Saitama: Okay.

And with that, Goku and Saitama were in space, with Saitama showing off more of his moves, like...

Saitama: Serious Series, Killer Move: Omnipotent Serious Punch!

Goku once again felt defeated. However, Master Roshi appeared before him.

Roshi: Giving up so easily, Goku?
Goku: I can't continue. I'm at my limit.
Roshi: Wrong, Goku. You still have limits to break. Through the Saiyan bloodline, you might even revive your parents and the father of your rival.
Goku: Vegeta? What do you mean?
Roshi: Take my word for it along with the words of your teachers.

Goku suddenly was remembering the teachings of his masters from King Kai to Whis. Then he suddenly achieve his most powerful form yet: Ultimate Ultra Instinct. With that, Goku and Saitama were powerfully equal in strength with no opponent gaining the upper hand until Goku decided to end it with his...


With that, both Goku and Saitama laid defeated in a tie. Suddenly, Goku though he saw Saitama's bald head when instead he was fed a Senzu bean, seeing his best friend Krillin.

Goku: Hey, Krillin! I thought you were that bald guy over there! You look so much alike!
Krillin: I noticed that!
Goku: Hey, Krillin. Can you give a Senzu to that guy over there?
Krillin: Huh? Okay.

Krillin managed to give Saitama Senzu bean and Saitama regained all his strength.

Saitama: Oh, you brought me back. And you. You managed to give me quite a workout.

Krillin: Welp, I gotta get back to Master Roshi! He's training me to gain a Kamehameha blast like you, Goku!
Goku: Good luck, Krillin!

Saitama realized something.

Saitama: Hey, I just realized. I can fly like you and your friend. How can I do that.
Goku: I wanted a fair fight, so I did a little favor.

Back to when Goku made a wish to Shearon, Goku told him how he wanted to face off against the Strongest Human which is Saitama with one thing that he wanted to give him to make it a fair fight.

Goku: Can you give the Strongest Human the ability to fly?
Shearon: If that is your wish.

Saitama: Oh, you mean that God-level isn't you or that Shearon dragon?
Goku: God-level threat?
Saitama: Yeah, there's a God-level on this Earth.
Beerus: Guys, I can sense evil ki around here. It's something familiar. No way! Could they have...? That's impossible!
Goku: What's impossible?

Beerus knew what was happening and knew he had to tell them of the upcoming threat that he may have to face and can't do alone.

Beerus: Goku, Saitama, there is one universe the gods don't talk about: Universe 13, the Demon Realm. It is the home of Evil Gods known as the Mai-Kaioshin. The Omni-King of All Zeno created that Universe as a prison for these Evil Gods. But now they are planning their revenge. Somehow, they managed to gain Power Siphoning, which can siphon all of a God's energy into the user. If they were to arrive, the Evil Gods will destroy the 12 Universes. They must've created an evil version of Goku to battle against Zeno. This is not good, and destroying the Evil Gods is a God of Destruction's responsibility. I can't do it alone. Goku, Saitama, can you help me battle against the incoming threat should they arrive?

After hearing Beerus' story, they knew they had to gather enough forces to battle these Evil Gods and win a war to save the 12 Universes. They had to help Beerus any way that they can.

Goku: We'll help you, Lord Beerus, and we'll gather an army, too.
Saitama: Yeah, I'm certain that if we heroes work together, we might be able to defeat this new threat. So, let's g--.

Suddenly, King Kai contacted Goku concerning his sparing session with Saitama. At the same time Blast appeared before Saitama, following the source of a disturbance that happened in their fight. They both explained to the two heroes that Blast managed to seal two factions of superheroes and Goku and Saitama broke the seal with their sparing session. Knowing Beerus, Goku, and Saitama can calm the storm, Beerus offered to help. Even Genos and Tatsumaki were willing to fight alongside Saitama and Blast and their new friends. So, together, they went to the location of the seal, to their surprise to see Vegeta already there.

Vegeta: Kakarot, and God of Destruction, Beerus? Did you get the disturbance as well?
Beerus: We originally planned to gather an army powerful enough to win a war I might not win on my own. We're here to calm a storm that might destroy the planet. Can you help us?
Vegeta: If this threat is worth explaining then I'll join this war. We just need to calm this other war I've seen in my visions of the past.

Suddenly, a green monster and a powerful alien came through as the first people to appear, fighting with raw power. With that, the six heroes proceeded to calm the storm known as the Great Superhero War.

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