Training 01: Goku vs. Saitama: Part 2

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Goku summoned the great Shearon due to Goku wanting to train and Vegeta unavailable at the time in order to face the Strongest Human in the World. Suddenly, Saitama appeared through a call from the Hero Association requested by Tatsumaki after their battle across the city. Through Genos and Tatsumaki's eyes, the two faced off with Saitama having the upper hand. However as Saitama used his new Serious Headbutt move on Goku, something happened to Goku to use a new form from that attack: Super Saiyan God 3 and so the battle continues.

Goku vs. Saitama!
The Super Saiyan God Asension!

Goku: This form, could it be from that sudden attack on my head? A Super Saiyan God above a Super Saiyan God above a Super Saiyan God. I have to admit. It's pretty impressive. You know, I have to thank for that sudden attack. I think I'll call it Super Saiyan God 3 due to that attack.
Saitama: You mean, Serious Headbutt? I never thought it could power you up. But I have a question. That sudden hair change...

Saitama remembered that Goku's hair changed by screaming so much to achieve it and wondered if he could achieve that same level of power.

Goku: It's Super Saiyan God 3. It comes from searching deep within your soul
Saitama: Searching deep with in your soul.

Saitama then screamed in order to grow his hair back, leaving Goku confused.

Goku: Is really thinking of achieving Super Saiyan God 3?!

As to Saitama's disappointment, he farted, causing Goku to chuckle a little, thus angering Saitama.

Saitama: SHUT UP!!!

Suddenly, as he punched Goku, Saitama somehow achieved the power of flight, therefore wondered if his screaming might help. However, Goku managed to gain the upper hand as his new Super Saiyan God 3 is more powerful in every way. So powerful in fact that God of Destruction Beerus arrived on Earth to see...

Goku: Oh, hey, Lord Beerus! See that man?! He's the Strongest Human in this World! He headbutted me with incredible strength that made me ascend beyond the Super Saiyan God twice!

Beerus: So he headbutted you with all his strength to achieve that powerful form. How about you show us if you can do that with Super Saiyan Blue?

Goku: I suppose it could work if something like that would happen.

Goku then scearched his soul within him by screaming until he was able to achieve his higher form: Super Saiyan Blue 3.

Goku: Sorry for taking so long. This is Super Saiyan Blue 3.

Suddenly, Saitama got a call from his good friend King.

Saitama: Oh, King. How's it going?
King: I was just wondering if you have the money for the new Nintendo Switch OLED Model?Saitama: I'm in the middle of a fight with some guy with anger management issues.

Goku was dumbfounded to what he was seeing. Is he on the phone? Goku wondered. Why talk to someone in the middle of a fight?

King: Is there anyone with you?
Saitama: Genos and Tatsumaki are watching from the sidelines, maybe seeing how strong I can get.


Saitama: I'll have to call you back. No, I'll call you.

Back to the fight, Saitama was struggling to gain the upper hand with the now powerful Super Saiyan God, with every hit scratching the surface to the full potential of the Super Saiyan God to put it in Beerus' terms. Saitama had no choice but to unleashed his one of his ultimate moves:

Saitama: Ultimate Move: Consecutive Death Punch.

Goku was knocked out with that move, making Saitama think that he managed to defeat his God-level threat. Beerus was shocked to see his greatest rival, the now super powerful Super Saiyan God defeated by the hands of a mortal, it even enraged him a little, but before the God of Destruction could attack, he sensed a massive amount of ki as Goku got up with full control of his Mastered Ultra Instinct. It even shocked Saitama to the Super Saiyan God's survivability.

Goku managed to have more control of Mastered Ultra Instinct, but will it be enough for him to defeat Saitama? Find out next time in Dragon Ball/One Punch Man: Anime Wars!

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