🤍 Meeting the team 🤍

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Dad: Alright boys since we're practicing at my house today I guess it would be fair to introduce you boys to my daughter and my son!
Bruce: you have kids?!
Dad:Yep! And the whole team is go-
Y/n: Dad, griffin is stealing my diary agai- ( you say looking up to see the team your dad teaches and you were embarrassed because of your outfit)
The outfit:

Dad: Alright boys since we're practicing at my house today I guess it would be fair to introduce you boys to my daughter and my son!Bruce: you have kids?!Dad:Yep! And the whole team is go- Y/n: Dad, griffin is stealing my diary agai- ( you say loo...

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Y/n:oh sorry dad I didn't know y-your team was h-hereDad: it's ok y/n but maybe change your shorts Y/n: yeahhhh, but uhm griffin is stealing my freaking things!Griffin: SHUT UP! IM NOT SHE IS LYING DAD!!Dad: sorry for my kids boys they fight a lot...

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Y/n:oh sorry dad I didn't know y-your team was h-here
Dad: it's ok y/n but maybe change your shorts
Y/n: yeahhhh, but uhm griffin is stealing my freaking things!
Dad: sorry for my kids boys they fight a lot!
The team: it's ok sir(they say smiling)
Griffin: dad I swear she is lying!(he says running down the stairs)
Y/n: no I'm not you little shit my diary is literally in your hands!
Dad: Y/n language please!
Y/n: sorry dad!
Griffin: that's what you get bitc-
-0Griffin: never mind
Y/n: what were you going to say?(you say walking up to him giving him a death stare)
Griffin: D-dad please help me b-before she k-kills me right h-here!
Y/n: nah I'm just kidding you're to cute for that!(You say pinching his cheeks while trying not to laugh)
Griffin: ok ok!
Y/n: my bad griff!
Dad: guys stop acting crazy please and let me please introduce you guys to the team!
Y/n+griffin: ok we're sorry dad we will(you guys say dusting off your clothes)
Dad: ok boys this is my eldest daughter y/n Stagg!
Y/n: hi!( you say waving excitedly)
Dad: and this is my youngest child Griffin Stagg!
Griffin: sup!(he say to Bruce and only Bruce )
Bruce: hi! And coach I already know griffin he's in my friend group with some other people!
Dad: oh cool
Y/n: daaaaaaaaaaaad!
Dad: yes y/n?
Y/n: griffin has my diary still and won't give it back!
Griffin: but I'm finding juicy stuff in this diary bro!
Y/n: it's my privacy!(you say turning to him)
Griffin: your butt is also your privacy so I suggest you pull the bottom down a little jus saying cuz it's coming up!(he says smirking at you turning to you as you turn red)
Y/n:GRIFFIN!!!!(you scream and fix your shorts)
Griffin: what I'm jus saying?
Y/n: stupid bitch!(you say walking to the kitchen)
Griffin: meanie, but are you making pasta I love your pasta!(he says walking behind you)
Y/n: no I'm making a grill cheese sandwich!
Griffin: your lazy ass should make pasta instead!
Dad: KIDS!
Griffin: sorry dad
Y/n: sorry da-(you say before noticing everyone is looking at you and griffin)
Griffin: wowwww y/n's anxiety is kicking in (he says laughing as you just sit on the floor so they can't see you)
Griffin: ew tf are you crying rn!
Y/n: I hit my elbow and it left a long cut and it's bleeding abt it burnssss!!
Griffin: Bruce come over here and work your magic!
Bruce: w-what magic
Griffin: you have bandages! Use them!(he says rolling his eyes)
Bruce: o-oh ok I guess if it's ok with coach?
Dad: yea it's ok Bruce!
Bruce: thanks!
Griffin: damn you look a little too excited to help my sister!
Bruce: uhm is this like normal?
Griffin: in this household yes it is!
Bruce: oh ok, let's see this cut!(he says going on his knees and starts to inspect your elbow)
Bruce: hmmm this is a deep cut so I'll have to disinfect it!
Y/n: NO NO NO NO!(you say trying to get out of his grip)
Bruce: hey hey, it's ok you can hold my hand when it burns you can squeeze my hand!
Y/n: no it's going to hurt!
Griffin: now that's what I call W rizz
(Btw it's modern time)
Bruce: shut up , I just met her and I'm literally your guys dad's players
Dad: if you like her maybe I can allow it!(you and Bruce turn red looking at each other)
Griffin: awwww they're blushing at each other!
Griffin: y/n and Bruce sitting in a tree k - i-
Y/n: you and Billy showalter!
Griffin: SHUT UP!(He says blushing)
Dad: honestly there is something wrong with my kids so I'm very boys about how they are acting at the moment!
The team: it's ok!(they say as Bruce cleans up the cut)
Y/n: it burns!(you say with small tears in your eyes)
Bruce: squeeze my hand(he says giving you his hand)
Y/n:I-is it d-done?
Bruce:yeah(he says smiling at you)
Y/n: thank y-you(you say sniffling)
Bruce: it nothing!(he says wiping your tear)
Griffin: oooooooooo, I'm definitely telling the group chat!
Y/n: huh? A group chat?
Bruce: we have a group chat it's me, griffin, Robin, finney,Amy,Gwen,Billy, and Vance!
Y/n: oh ok!
Bruce; I can add you if you want!(he says hoping you say yes)
Y/n: I'm good I'm not really known by a bunch of people anyway!
Bruce: nah I'll still add you!
Y/n: oh ok
Bruce: alr bye!

Author's note:( ok so first chapter done srry it's so long next chapter is going to be instagram and the group chat)
Words: 936 words

Coach's daughter (Bruce yamada x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now