Chapter 7

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Being an older sister could be tiring, sometimes, especially when Everest was the younger brother. Halo glanced out the window. He should be back by now.

"I think I will read something," Halo muttered to herself. She walked to the dusty old bookshelf in their little cave. Their parents were always so busy. Halo's talons hovered over her all-time favorite, The History of Griffin Forest written by one of the King's secretaries during the time of the Great War. But she had read that a lot of times. Maybe it's time to try something new. The only book she hasn't read is a very boring book called Understand Your Lizard. It was probably the most boring book in history. She sighed and grabbed it. But it didn't come out of the bookshelf. Instead, there was a small click noise and the bookshelf slid away to reveal a big tunnel.

Halo cautiously walked into the tunnel, and the bookshelf snapped shut behind her. She had always wondered why their cave was so small. Now she knows. A torch suddenly lit up in front of her. Its flames burned white. The torches after that lit up after rapid succession. Halo gasped again. This only happens in story books! At the end of the tunnel is a huge room or cavern. Growing inside it are bioluminescent grass and trees. Pale fireflies flutter everywhere. And lying on the grass with a bookmark stuck neatly in it, was a book she had never read. It was called:

Verdelite: Absconditus Iter by Sapientis et Animi.

On a note made of parchment paper tucked in the corner of the book, it said: Verdelite: A Hidden Path.

Now this was something worth reading.


"Hello?" Everest came in. "Halo, you there?"



His voice echoed in the room. Everest shrugged. Maybe she was still out playing with her friends. He should read. A particular book caught his eye. Its pale bindings seemed to shine. On its spine, in careful silver letters, read The History of Griffin Forest. He grabbed it and skimmed the words on the back of the book.

Long ago, all species lived in war, until the Griffins bestowed Griffin Forest with the gift of balance. The Griffins united all species living in ancient Griffin Forest through the power of royalty. The other creatures recognized the amazingness of the Griffins and bowed to their king and queen. The other creature's kings and queens mysteriously disappeared after.

He started to shred the book apart. He was about to cause real damage.


It was his parents. His father was panting from the yelling and his mother had a look of shock and anger.

"It's fake history!" Everest yelled full of anger. "This place's original name isn't Griffin Forest as THAT history book claims! It's Ruby Haze!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Us Griffins, stole Ruby Haze!"

The two parents just stood there, not saying a word.

"You know," Everest sighed."You know what the Griffins did."

"NO! N-no we don't!" snapped Everest's parents.


"Honey calm down—"

"We will wait for you to talk to us in our bedroom," Everest's mom replied after a bit, sternly.

His parents quickly hurried out of the main cave while Everest glared at them.

"Stupid parents," muttered Everest. Today was a tiring day.

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