Chapter 20

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Cruz stood in front of the crowd that had gathered to join her protest against the Aeon recruiting center that had been built in an old schoolhouse on the outskirts of San Antonio. The Aeons had presumably chosen the location because the school was built like a prison, with narrow windows and thick brick walls. There were no other structures within a quarter mile in any direction, giving whoever was inside the building a clear view of anyone approaching. To enhance the security further, the Aeons had constructed a twelve foot high wood and steel fence around the entire facility. The wall had only one gate, and that gateway had a guard platform built above it.

Cruz was speaking from a temporary stage about twenty feet in front of that gate, denouncing the Aeon's benighted cult and demanding that they left the state of Texas for good. She stood with her back to the gate, facing a crowd of several dozen protestors holding homemade signs and placards. The crowd was made up of a broad range of citizens, from preachers in their vestments to men dressed in suits to families with their children.

Rosa Verde stood on the edge of the stage, speaking continuously into a radio mouthpiece. All twelve of Rosa's security agents stood around them, carefully watching the crowd in front of Cruz and the Aeon facility behind her.

Widelane's five men were in a loose cordon about one hundred feet away from the stage. They were better equipped than Rosa's. They wore full body armor and their laser rifles carried all kinds of targeting equipment. Now Cruz was finally grateful for their presence as she heard someone heckling her from atop the Aeon temple's gate.

In reaction, Widelane's security contingent turned face her in unison and unslung their rifles.

Cruz felt a wave of fear as she realized the Aeons' acolytes behind her on the wall must be about to attack. She put her hands in front of her midsection to protect her unborn child even as she turned and craned her neck behind her, seeking the threat.

"Get down, Reverend!" Cruz felt the impact of a person tackling her just as she heard gunshots ringing out. She realized it was Rosa Verde who had knocked her to the ground and covered her with her own body.

From where she lay, she could see her personal bodyguards up on the stage, firing their submachine guns. But they were firing the wrong way, down into the crowd instead of up at the Aeons.

"No, stop shooting!" she cried. She was mostly blocked by her bullet proof podium and couldn't see the crowd, but she knew many of them must be caught in the storm of bullets.

"Revered, it's Widelane's men," said Rosa. "They're trying to kill you. Stay-"

There was a huge explosion that shook the stage.

She heard a ringing noise in her ears and her vision blacked out.

Moments later, as her head cleared, Cruz realized that Rosa was motionless and lying limply on top of her. She felt a warm liquid soaking through her jacket.

On the stage around her, she saw some of Rosa's security force lying motionlessly, others writhing in pain, and yet others advancing towards the threat. Flames were spurting out of their weapons and empty cartridge cases were falling on the ground around them, but all she could hear was a ringing in her ears.

Widelane! He'd assigned his SpecOps fireteam men to kill her. Damn the man. Why did he choose this event with so many innocents present?

Someone dragged Rosa's body off of her. He was yelling something. Suddenly her hearing faded back in and she heard. "-verend, get behind me and move with me."

As she was pulled to a crouching position, she turned and saw it was the leader of Rosa's team. Richard, maybe. Or Ramon. She regretted not making an effort to learn his name.

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