Solangelo Fanarts

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Me-Ladies and Gentleman, I'm proud to introduce the first fluffy ships chapter. My OTP is first, of course.

Jason-SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENico-Here we go again

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Nico-Here we go again...
Hazel-Nico, this is the most adorable thing ever. You and Will are obviously my OTP.
Percy-Heck yeah!

Annabeth-You know Nico is truly enjoying something when his face turns all pink

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Annabeth-You know Nico is truly enjoying something when his face turns all pink.
Nico-No, stoppppp
Will-AwwwW, you look so cute Neeks.
Frank-I'm pretty sure Percy and Jason are about ready to faint from the adorableness.
Leo-Yup, Jason's on the floor.

Percy-CUTE CUTE CUTEEEAnnabeth-Hehe, loser Percy lost

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Annabeth-Hehe, loser Percy lost.
Piper-I've gotta hand it to my unconscious boyfriend. He really knows how to get two lovebirds involved with one another.
Leo-Leo Smokin Valdez lost already? Dang the patriarchy.

Reyna-It feels like in every fanart of them Nico's wearing black skinny ripped jeans and a Ramones' shirt

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Reyna-It feels like in every fanart of them Nico's wearing black skinny ripped jeans and a Ramones' shirt.
Nico-Yeah, cuz that's all I wear.
Annabeth-Does Will even change out of those jean shorts? I mean, come on!
Frank-At least I change once in a while.

Reyna-I'm pretty sure Jason's dead by this point

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Reyna-I'm pretty sure Jason's dead by this point.
Piper-At least I'm a silent Fangirl. The guy passed out too early.
Annabeth-Okay Percy, calm down. It's just fanart.
Hazel-Cutre fanart, though.
Nico-The ghost king does NOT hug.
Will-You sure about that?

Will-You sure about that?

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Nico-Bad example. BUT Will is technically hugging me not vice versa so HA
Frank-Aww y'all look so happy.
Nico-The ghost king is NOT happy either.

Percy-Is that a smile I see? Hm?Nico-Shut up

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Percy-Is that a smile I see? Hm?
Nico-Shut up.
Jason-*Rising from the dead* GAY PAINTS LOLL

Leo-Even though Jason basically already died from the cuteness, I think he might die again

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Leo-Even though Jason basically already died from the cuteness, I think he might die again. This is rich.
Annabeth-Who draws this crap? It's frickin adorable.
Will-I love my cuddles with Nico.
Nico-*Blushing madly* Sh-shut up.

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