i'm as lost now as i was back then

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Camelot - 512 AD

You had been in Camelot for a few years now. You'd heard the rumors, the whispers in the dark. The Once and Future King was coming. The Golden Age of Camelot was so close, and somehow, the Deviants had sensed it too. The increased potential of the land, which brought people in from all over, had heightened the attacks from your ancient enemy.

The only problem was Uther. You knew immediately that Uther's son, Arthur, was the prophesized king. But Uther was so full of hatred for magic that your family wasn't safe. You hid your gifts, letting Druig control the humans into thinking you were just all masters in sword fighting. Any display of your power was quickly forgotten. The people and the foolish king thought it was Arthur and the knights who were keeping the citadel safe. They had no idea what you could do. Only Arthur's servant Merlin knew what you were, though he thankfully kept your secret.

You were standing at the balcony on guard duty, letting the coolness of the breeze enshroud you. You liked Camelot enough. The people were interesting, and you'd seen quite a few wielders of magic here. The Druids were your favorite. They knew of Chaos magic, though they did not know that was what it was called. They were accepting of you and your gifts, so easily confused in these times as witchcraft.

It had been years since you'd tried to open your heart again to humans, and most days, you were successful. But today, when you had had to watch Uther execute a man for believing he had magic because his mother had been healed of an unknown illness? Well, you remembered how dark their hearts could be.

"It's always the quietest after an execution," Morgana appeared beside you.

You turned to look at her. You had heard the prophesies of Morgana as well, though you hoped they were not true. You knew she had magic, though it was nowhere close to your Chaos. But she was kind to you. She seemed to suspect there was something about you, something that called to her. "The city mourns another soul," you said quietly.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked.


"I dreamt it," she said. "Last night, I dreamt of the execution. And when I woke up, the plant near my bed was on fire. Gwen swears no one entered. I think it was me."

You looked at her seriously. You knew you could not interfere. You knew the cost of it. These were human affairs, and while you had opened your heart to them again, you knew you could not change destiny. But you could see how frightened she was. She was a ward of a king who despised magic. She would not be safe.

"You think you have magic?" You asked her slowly.

"What if I do?" She asked. "Uther would execute me."

"I don't think he would," you said, though you did not believe your own words. "He loves you like a daughter."

"I don't think that would be enough," she admitted.

"Why are you telling me this?" You asked her. The woman was nice to you, but you'd never been close. You didn't want to get involved, you couldn't.

She was quiet for a moment. "Because I think you know more than you say," she said. "And because in my dream, I saw you in golden lights slaying beasts in a field of sand."

You tried not to gasp. You knew she had prophetic dreams. Ajak had taken to helping Gaius as a healer and she had helped Morgana many times with her dreams. Was she telling you your future?

"Please, Y/N, can you help me?" She asked you in a desperate tone.

"Morgana, what are you doing on the guard post?" Arthur walked over to you, Merlin behind him before you could answer.

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