you'll never be alone i'll be there for you

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Wakanda - 1000 AD

You'd been in Wakanda for a few decades now, and honestly, you weren't sure how your mission hadn't brought you here before. In terms of human advancement, the Wakandans were light years ahead of the rest of the world. This should have theoretically been the first place the Deviants attacked. The Vibranium that was so seeped into their culture had enriched their little world so much. Technology, culture, literature, art, everything was advanced. But somehow, they had gone unnoticed in the world. Until now.

The people of Wakanda had welcomed you readily. You loved that you didn't have to hide from them. They were so accepting of your origin. And you loved sharing their thoughts. More than anywhere else you'd been, you found peace in the little hidden African nation. You enjoyed training with the Dora Milaje. Even Thena was impressed with their skills.

Druig was not as at ease here, though there was not really any place he felt fully at ease. You still dragged him out with you, visiting the people, enjoying the festivities of the land. Today, you had dragged him out for a walk.

Your arm was linked through his as you walked back from visiting the rhinos in the border tribe.

"I hope we can stay here longer," you said. "I love it here."

"They seem more advanced than most we have seen," he agreed. "But I like most that they do not shroud your heart in darkness."

You smiled at him. "Their minds are very interesting, yes. But I am better now, Druig, really." You knew he worried for you. He was scared you would fall back into yourself, turn from the humans you so loved. But it had been centuries since you had let them into your heart again, and you loved them. Their potential never ceased to amaze you. Especially in a place like Wakanda, you saw the wonders humans were capable of, despite the darkness.

Before Druig could respond, you heard a loud crash followed by screams. You both ran in direction of the scream, seeing the Deviants attacking the Wakandans in the distance. Thena, Makkari, Ikaris, Kingo and Gilgamesh arrived to fight them. But there was too many of them. You needed to help them.

"Stay here," you told Druig as your eyes and hands starting glowing gold. Druig was not one of the fighters, and he usually did not join you on the battlefield as much as he hated to let you go off on your own.

You took off into the air in their direction. You saw one running to Kingo who was distracted fighting another. You quickly threw your power at it, causing it to be thrown back away from your family.

You landed beside Gilgamesh. "We need to get the people away," you said.

"Makkari is on it," he told you as he punched one of the Deviants.

You saw the speedster rushing people away and used your telekinesis to throw a large stone at one of the Deviants that was about to attack before she could get to them.

"There's too many of them," Kingo said. The marketplace where the attack had begun was too crowded. There was nowhere for the humans to go quickly.

"Why are there so many of them?" You groaned as you shot your power towards one that was about to attack some of the humans.

"Maybe we can worry about that later," Gilgamesh suggested, punching at another one.

You saw Thena being crowded by two Deviants and you flew towards her, standing at her back. Thena used her sword to strike at one while you shot at the other. You used your power to build her a ramp so she could jump and stab it. In your distraction, your own Deviant knocked you down with its tail, and you threw up a blast, straight through its head killing it dead before it could bite at you.

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