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I see why demons get trapped on that mountain. The lower half is covered with blooming wisteria even in winter. I sigh, how on earth am I going to leave a message there when I can't even go in?
I'm about to turn back when one of my butterflies flutters past. I could get one of them to put it there for me! It would end up dead but it was worth it, the earring boy wouldn't end up being killed. I hike as far as the wisteria will allow me and send my message with a butterfly.
"Farewell, critter," I call out to it and send it off into the flocks of wisteria.
I sit on a rock and watch parts of my skin float off, it would regenerate soon but for now, I'll put it off, I need to honor this butterfly's sacrifice. Even if it only exists for my order, it's still good to honor your fallen comrades.

The butterfly made it, and its last breath of life was used to tell me it achieved its goal. It lands its wings, slowly disappearing into the night.
I bring my hand up to my face.
"Thank you," I whisper to it, I lift my hand to the sky as the butterfly finally dissolves and flutters into the moonlight. It's done, now I wait for a response. I told them to send a message to the clearing on Mount Heiwa, and they'll find me there. Considering Mount Heiwa is far from here I should begin the walk, but first I need to head to my cave and add a small flower to my mini cemetery for my butterflies. I add a flower the color of the butterfly that died while under my direct orders. Those who died in battle don't get a particular flower but they are missed.
The one who just died was a lovely shade of pink, so a plum blossom it will be. Luckily they are in season.

My butterflies are great scouts, so while I sit on a rock, I can see out of my butterflies' eyes. Oh how I've missed fluttering through the air, no worries about my demon body. My butterflies are surrounding it so I won't be attacked by surprise. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see them, the plum blossoms. I return to my body, dispersing the butterflies, and head in the direction where I saw them. I grab the flower and head home to place it in my little grove. I plant the flowers in the bush I pay the butterfly farewell. I stand up to leave. I may not come back here, so I decide to pack some things. I can see the sun beginning to rise and so I decide to rest before I head off.

It's around midnight when I arrive at Mount Heiwa, I find a spot near the clearing, which is easily defendable, to set up camp. I don't know when the demon slayers are going to respond or even if they will. I don't blame them for not trusting a demon. They are demon slayers after all. I sigh and sit back on a rock, almost falling asleep. I close my eyes and doze off.

I wake up to the sound of a crow cawing. Huh? There aren't any crows in this area.
"Caw, Caw! A message for the demon known as Cho!" The crow caws
A talking crow?!
"T-that's me." I stutter, surprised by the talking animal, though I shouldn't be surprised considering I am a demon.
"Caw! The Demon Slayer Core would like to meet up with the demon Cho! Caw!"
"Where?" I ask, slightly annoyed that the crow was just circling in the air, talking about me, not to me.
"The lake south of Mount Fuji! Caw! Meet there by the winter solstice! Caw, Caw!" The crow cawed and just flew off.
The winter solstice was only a week away so I'll have to head off soon to get there in time.
Stupid crow, I wonder how the demon slayers deal with those things. I would just kill it and use my butterflies. I begin the long hike to the lake.

This chapter is a bit shorter than the other one sorry, there isn't much action either but hopefully there will be more soon (plus some of our fav demon slayers >_<) have a wonderful day/night

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