Wood Dragon!

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We started to descend down the stairs slowly she probably doesn't want me to fall, after a few minutes what I saw at the bottom was.....
It was just a pillar with enough space for four people but if you look around you will see that all around us is hollowed out and it was done very cleanly like a giant worm came out from the ground but avoided where we're standing.
I looked up to my sister and she has the same wide smile on her face that's always there when she's excited I wonder what she's going to show me for her to smile like that.

<Shizuka POV>
'Hehehe this is perfect' I think to myself as I walk down the flight of wood stairs I made while holding my little brother's hand.
'I've been working on this ever since Kato was born and I've finally finished the move I've been working on it's not very big now but when he sees me doing it as a hero...heh I can't wait to see his face' Now we have finally reached my training spot for the move I've working on.
'Please don't fail at the last moment' I say in my head as I prepare to use this move I should ask dad for some pointers later.
'When I think about how surprised Kato would be after this....'I break out a wide smile and start, 'My dad says shouting the name of your attacks makes it cooler let's try it.'
"Wood Dragon!"
I feel the ground around us start to rumble, then I look down the pit and I see a pair of eerie yellow eyes that become bigger and bigger till it's the size of a 5 year old child (don't ask why I made that description).
Then something brown flashed across my eyes I immediately looked up and saw something very familiar from something I watched in my previous life,'This was from Naruto right ? though it's not as big as the original one'.
It was a Japanese-style dragon made entirely out of wood similar to the one that Hashirama summons when using his wood style jutsu(I won't say anymore because I'm assuming most of you know already here is a picture).

When it got some meters above us it started to do twists and spins in the air it even went back down the hole and did a spiral back up, it was then that I realized that she most be trying to impress me then I thought 'Heh I appreciate it but littl...

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When it got some meters above us it started to do twists and spins in the air it even went back down the hole and did a spiral back up, it was then that I realized that she most be trying to impress me then I thought 'Heh I appreciate it but little do you know I've already seen this in anime, You will get no reaction out of me!' As if the dragon heard his thoughts it got a glint in it's eye and used it's front claws to slice of the part of the pillar that Kato was on.
He couldn't react because he was still lost in his thoughts but he suddenly snapped out of it and was scared shitless when he realized he was falling, but before he could go any deeper down the pit he was caught by the dragon and the familiar feeling of running into a tree hit him and he realized he was riding a dragon, albeit not a real one it's still a dragon.
'You got me this time this is awesome, maybe I should embrace being a child while it lasts it will probably make everyone happy and it might even be good for me since stands are connected to the soul and it's not good for the soul when the mind is stressed especially this brain I have right now that can't handle me thinking too much or I'll fall asleep.'
While I'm flying around on the dragon I remembered how I got on it in the first place and I looked towards my sister down below and thought ' Don't think I'll forget what happened earlier my dear sister mark my words vengeance will be mine!'
Back on the pillar Shizuka suddenly shivered and thought' There is a great disturbance in the force, I need to watch my back'.


[What did you all think of this chapter is it not beautiful? Anyway I'm thinking of adding a new fanfic as a side project of this if you want say:
If not say:

Now I need some sleep.
I'll make a vote on the new fanfic tomorrow.

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