Ch. 22: Birthday Girl

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"So, what do you want for your birthday?"

Paige nearly choked on the noodle she had slurped up at the unexpected question. She took a moment to get her breathing under control before blinking owlishly at her friend. She, Miko, Jack, and Raf sat together as they ate lunch at school. It was spaghetti day and while school lunches weren't that great, she hadn't had spaghetti in a while and she was enjoying it. She just wasn't expecting Miko to suddenly bring that up out of the blue.

"Well?" Miko prompted when she didn't immediately answer.

"I-I don't want anything," she stammered hurriedly, still dumbfounded.

"Wait, when's your birthday?" Jack asked, looking expectantly at the brunette from his spot across from her and beside Miko.

"Uh… the day after tomorrow?" She responded with a sheepish smile.

"And you never told us?" Raf asked, blinking at her from his spot next to her.

She frowned in a bit of guilt. "Well… With everything that was going on," she said quietly with a slight wave of her hand towards the ceiling - a gesture the others understood. "It never crossed my mind. Besides, I- uh…" She looked down at her plate and poked at her food with her spork as a solemn frown crossed her face. "I haven't celebrated it in four years…"

Her three friends exchanged sympathetic frowns. "Why not?" Raf asked quietly, laying a hand on her arm in comfort.

A sigh escaped her lips as she stabbed an unfortunate grape that had gotten too ripe and became disgustingly squishy. "I didn't have any friends back in Michigan and my dad was too hung up about my mom and his 'job' so I just never properly celebrated it. Had no one to really celebrate with and I just kinda got used to it…" She gave a little shrug, not meeting their eyes.

Silence fell over their table for several moments as her words sank in. Paige kept her gaze on her plate as she thought back to that first year without her mother. She had been sad and didn't want to bother her father knowing that he was still grieving like she was, but she had been secretly hoping that he would celebrate her birthday with her like they had always done before. So when he simply handed her a wad of cash and told her she could buy anything she wanted before leaving the house again, her hopes had been crushed and she didn't ever get her hopes up after that.

The memory stung just thinking about it and she pulled out her phone to check for any new messages. When she saw none, her shoulders sagged a bit. She couldn't help it. She was still hoping for a message from her father. She had gotten nothing even after all the chaos that had been happening all over the planet, or after it had all calmed down. She felt her heart twist with bitterness. Surely he wasn't so mad about her joining the Autobots that he had completely cut her off?

She swallowed thickly at the thought, feeling like she was having a hard time breathing for a moment. She was only brought out of her thoughts when the phone was suddenly snatched out of her grasp and all three teens stared slack-jawed as Miko held her prize.

"I'm confiscating this until school is over," she chirped with a mischievous smirk.

"Wh- But-" Paige sputtered, flabbergasted by Miko's sudden announcement and actions. "Miko! Please give it back!" She stood up to reach over the table for her phone.

"Nuh-uh!" Miko clambered out from the table and grabbed her tray with her free hand. "Not until the end of school!" And then she darted away as quickly as she dared without getting yelled at by a teacher.

All Paige could do was stare after her in betrayal before slumping back down and leaning on her elbow and palm with a groan.

Raf rubbed her back soothingly while Jack gave her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before getting up. "I'll go talk to her," he told them, already walking away with his tray in hand.

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