Ch. 8: Codename: Terra

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The ride back home was full of a comfortable silence. Wheeljack had left earlier, deciding that since his ship was now fixed that he would search for other Autobots amongst the stars. Paige was tired. So much had happened earlier and yet it didn't feel like a lot at all. Perhaps it was the combination of the stress over worrying about the imposter and her friends, and the two parties. That seemed like a logical explanation for why her eyes couldn't seem to stay open during the trip into Jasper.

Swiftblade didn't seem to mind. He was content to just allow his human companion to relax in the passenger seat as he drove. He made the seat warm for her and purred, vibrating the seat just the way she liked it. It was a comforting action for the both of them, which was why he had decided to do it so often when they maintained a period of physical contact at any given time. It made his spark hum in delight each time, so who was he to deny it if his companion didn't either?

A chime sound stirred Paige from her half-awake state and she fished her phone out of her pocket. She blinked at the screen, taking a moment to adjust to both the lighting and focusing on using the awake part of her brain. The message sender's name caused her to instantly become alert. Her eyes scanned the contents of the message.

From Dad: Be ready at 0400. I need you for a mission.

She sighed and rubbed her face tiredly. It was already late so she wouldn't have a lot of time to pack and get a decent amount of sleep. She groaned aloud at the thought of a lack of sleep and closed her eyes. Yet, it wasn't uncommon. She'd be able to perform decently enough to not make a mistake.

"What's wrong?" Swiftblade's concerned tone had her opening her eyes.

"I…" She sighed again and sat up straight, making the seat move with her. "My dad just texted me. It's a last minute trip and I'll probably be gone for a few days." She rubbed her face before sticking her phone back in her pocket.


"Yeah. Someone will be picking me up before sunrise so you don't have to stay and guard me tonight."

Silence filled the cab for several moments as even the purring had stopped. It made her fidget slightly, worried she had said something to upset him. "...When will you be back?"

She smiled softly and almost immediately the purring was back, vibrating her seat soothingly. "I'll text you to let you know so you can come pick me up. If you're not out on patrol by then, that is."

"Even the arctic couldn't keep me from picking you up."

She lightly kicked the dashboard at his attempted joke and she half-heartedly glared at the rearview mirror angled to look at her. He grunted at the impact but made no other indication that it had affected him. "Don't joke about the arctic, Blade. Not after the scraplet incident," she chided lightly.

"Of course, I'm sorry," he responded quietly, a little guilty.

She reached over to pat the dashboard this time and a rumbling purr vibrated the whole interior at the action. It made her smile softly, not able to stay mad at her guardian. "It's okay, I forgive you."

He pulled up to the curb in front of the garage of her home and she sank into the seat, not willing to leave his warm presence just yet. As if sensing this and feeling the same, his engine shut off as he continued to purr. They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company for a while longer. Until a yawn caused them both to reluctantly separate.

"See you soon, Blade. I'll text you when I'm back," she told him as she slid out of the cab.

"I'll be waiting. Good night, Paige."

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