Pick Your Poison

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"So how you been Castro?" Chase's smiled at me as if nothing was wrong.

Like the best of friends being reunited again. I cleared my throat and opened my mouth but nothing came out. Ben squeezed my hand and disappeared leaving me in the living room with Chase and Danny. I tugged at the hem of jacket and could feel my stomach churn as he smirked at me and sipped his drink.

He laughed and walked closer to me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Cass? You okay?"

I shoved his hand off of me and started to feel my face burn.

"Your an asshole!" I spat and everyone's eyes shot to me.

I knew that i shouldn't have started a seen but Chase was acting like everything was fine when it wasn't. He was the reason I spent so many months away from my brother. He fueld the monster inside of me. He took another sip of his drink and shrugged off my outburst. His eyes shot daggers into me and I started to feel claustrophobic. I spun on my heel and ran towards the door when and arm yanked me back.

"Get the fuck off me." I yelled, but his grip grew tighter.

His nails dug into my arm as he pulled me outside.

He was pacing back and forth muttering things to himself as I rubbed my arm. He stopped and balled up his fist but dropped it and sighed loudly. He rubbed his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt and that's when I noticed he was crying.

"I miss you Castro." He said throwing down his cup and running his rough hands through his hair.

"Do you even fucking remember how things were?" He wiped his eyes again and stared down at the concrete. Looking embarrassed almost.

I struggled to find my voice and cleared my throat a few times before I spoke.

"I remember you putting me in that prison because you said I tried to kill you." I felt so vulnerable talking to him. Like anything could happen and I wasn't prepared for any of it.

He laughed and stepped closer to me pinning me between him and a blue Prius. He rubbed my cheek with his thumb and I turned my head away from him. He smiled at me again.

"Oh come on Cass, I know you miss me too. The way I combed back your hair-"

He took a section of my hair and twirled around his fingers before tucking it behind my ear.

"The way I..I kissed your neck."

He moved his thumb down to my neck and shivered under his touch. But It wasn't the loving feeling I got when I was with Ben, It felt wrong. Forbidden almost.

I pushed him away from me and he sighed as I walked farther down the street.

"Castro wait!" He yelled pulling me again. But this time softer.

Tears were streaming down my face and felt a whole waterfall of emotions. I was mad at him for showing up when everything had just gotten slightly better. I was disappointed in myself for still keeping the feeling I had for him around.

"Aww, Castro don't cry." He tried to wrap an arm around my waist but I shoved him away from me.

"Stop Chase! Just fucking stop." I yelled smacking him over and over on his chest till he grabbed both of my hands and held them tightly together.

" Did you really think you could just fucking say sorry and everything would be better? It's not Chase, you're the whole reason why I am like this." I hugged myself as I let my tears drip down onto my shirt.

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