You Should Judge Me

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Post-game parties were not considered abnormal for the students of Montrose, especially considering we lived in the Hamptons—a lot of them are held at the beach. Or should I say were held?

Now that fall is coming around, the weather is getting much chillier at night, even if it's unbearably hot during the day.

Colder weather is basically code for house parties even if it is a Tuesday night on the first day of school.

"Lo, stop deflecting," Cher whined over the loud music as we stood in the crowded kitchen.

I shrugged, "I don't know what you're talking about, I was just asking if you wanted another shot," I said, slurring slightly as I poured more of the tequila into the disposable red solo shot glasses.

"After I asked you for the hundred fucking time about Karter and what happened at the game, which you won't even speak on," she pointed out.

I held out the shot glass filled with brown liquid for her, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Cher took the shot from me, "If you're hooking up, I won't judge you."

I smacked Cher's arm, which earned a faint ow from her, "First of all we aren't hooking up, and second of all, as my best friend, you should judge me—like what the actual fuck?"

Cher shrugged defensively, "Okay, so you guys aren't hooking up and if you were, I should judge you—got it," she said, clinking her plastic shot glass with mine.

I threw back the burning liquid, grimacing as it burned my throat slightly raw. "Fuck that was rough."

Cher let out a breath, regaining her composure as she threw the disposable glass in the nearest trash bin. "Not as rough as you keeping all the details to yourself."

I let out an irritated groan, annoyed that all I'd heard about tonight was Karter and what happened at the game with her.

"Fine, you want to know what happened? I was looking in Karter's direction, she saw me and then I threw the middle finger up where she mouthed, When and where," I explained with irritation clear in my tone, causing Cher's brows to raise. "Happy?"

A small smile grew on Cher's face, "You were looking in Karter's direction?" she asked, her smile growing with each second that passed by. "What does that even mean?"

I felt myself grow defensive, knowing that deep down I was checking Karter out, but I would never utter those words aloud.

I shrugged, looking around the crowded house, "It just means that I was looking in her vicinity."

"Vicinity?" Cher laughed, lazily shaking her head. "Lo, were you checking her—"

"No, no, no," I said, walking away from her, but she only followed behind me forcing me to say, "Nope, nope, nope—I can't hear you lalalala."

Cher only laughed harder, as I grabbed two unopened white claws, handing one to Cher and opening my own.

We ventured through the energetic party, "It's okay to find her attract—"

"Don't even finish that sentence," I declared, taking a sip of my white claw.

"Damn, so I can't even laugh about it?" Cher remarked, causing me to turn to look at her for a brief moment.

"No you can't fucking laugh about—"

But I was cut short when I bumped into someone, and almost immediately after the voice screeched, "Oh my god!"

I sharply turned around, coming face to face with none other than, Violet Clarke—who I had just spilled my white claw all over, and beside her, of course, was Calista Ashford.

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