Training and Shopping pt 1

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"Are you ready?" Nat asked you one morning, as both of you stood alone in the gym. You were overly nervous, of course, as Nat herself had wanted you to start learning both self defense and weapon training. You stood in a (y/f/c) sports bra and leggings, as she wore her own sportswear clothing

"No!" You squeaked out, unable to help being fearful of this. Chuckling, Nat rested her hands on her hips. "C'mon, you need to do this. We should have been doing this early on with you, honestly. Considering you're around the team and Loki, and then the kidnapping, and now your... Side effects."

You looked down at your hands, wiggling your fingers quietly. It was getting worse, but you had help from Banner and Tony to figure out how to conceal it enough. You kinda wished that you were magical, but that hadn't been the case. No, it was just a ton of unknown, unregistered serum with basically gamma radiation, something Bruce did know about and became overly worried about. As for what your powers seemed to be doing, they were.. complicated to an extent. You were at  least still able to take your gloves off for most of the day, but at night the gloves went right back on. Burning things due to recurring nightmares was the main problem.

Loki would often come into your room when you were having these frightening dreams, and would usually succeed in waking you up without difficulty. He'd only leave once you were relaxed and sleeping again without another problem. He wanted to stay, but with the little amount of trust that the rest of the team was barely giving him, he didn't want you being in trouble for his actions.

You were upset with that news, but you didn't have any true ground to argue with the literal avengers.

Breathing out carefully, you look up at her. "Um.. as long as we start off slow, I'll.. I'll be okay with this. Just.. I'm skittish, so.." You sigh quietly, trying not to psyche yourself out. "Don't worry, we're definitely going to be taking you through the basics." Nat says, and you nod.

Physical training sucks, that much you know. Not only did she have you doing the basic stretching before actually starting, but you were also having to do jogging laps, pushups, crunches, lunges, and Russian twists. Three hours after starting, you wanted to do nothing more than melt on the floor and never move again. Nat urges you to get up to go shower, and you begrudgingly get up with a groan.

You didn't know you could sweat so much, nor did you know that you could feel like you were carrying pure lead in your system. Nat watches you with a chuckle, leaving out with you. "So.. you and Loki, huh?"

Thrown off by the question, your already flushed cheeks seem to grow hotter as you make your way to the elevator. "H-Huh? What are you talking about?" You ask quickly, looking at her. Nat hummed softly. "C'mon, he likes you a lot more than the rest of us. He's almost always around you, too. Not to mention the little things."

You shift a bit nervously. "O-Oh? I.. like what?" Nat hummed, pressing a button to head back to the level where everyone's rooms were. "He makes sure you have your usual spot on the couch. He brings you your favorite snacks and drinks without you asking, and then he offers to walk you to your room at night. He even tries to do your cleaning tasks for you or with you, more than anything. And then he always has his hand on you or his arm around you when you're next to each other. It's kinda hard not to see what's going on." You fumble over your words shyly, unable to even deny it as the elevators open and you both find Loki leaning on the opposite wall, book in hand.

Giving a polite nod to Nat as she nods back and leaves the elevator, Loki gives you a smile. You smile back shyly as you leave the elevator, glancing over at Nat who gives you a quick wink and disappears into her room. Loki quirks a brow, and you shift on your feet shyly as you look into his green orbs. "U-Um, you weren't waiting on me, were you?"

"I simply had to finish this chapter before I went to sit down." Loki teased, gently closing his book shut before he leaned down to place a kiss on your temple, but you backed away in fear of how you might have been smelling. "W-Wait, I have to go shower." You squeak out, Loki smirking. "You don't smell that bad, my dear." You cover your cheeks in embarrassment, quickly starting to head to your room. "That means I do!" Laughing softly, Loki follows you down the hall. "Don't take too long, Y/N. And use the green bottle of body wash , if you'd like." He tells you, and you look at him shyly before disappearing into your room to get cleaned up.

Turning on the shower, you undressed and stepped under the patterned waterfall of hot rain and sighed in content from how good it felt on your aching muscles, before you looked around. You spotted the green bottle and picked it up, opening the top and sniffing it gently, before your eyes lit up.

Whatever this soap was, was nothing you had ever smelled before, let alone bought! It had to have been a soap from Loki's home, one that he modified for you, for sure!" And it lathered up so well!

You took extra time using it on every part of your body, sighing happily before you finished up and got changed into jeans and a regular Tshirt. Sliding on a pair of regular socks and shoes, you readjusted your gloves after putting them back on and came back out of your room to find Loki and Thor both arguing over something small. But once you emerged, Thor smiled brightly at you. "Lady Y/N!"

You squeaked out a small hello, smiling a bit. "I see that you're ready to head out?" He asks, and you blink before looking at Loki, who seems less than thrilled at Thor. "We are to go shopping, as per Stark's orders apparently. However, the oaf and the rest of his moronic friends are also to attend."

You blink softly, nodding slowly before you hesitate. "Um.. what are we shopping for?" Letting out a booming laugh, Thor wraps an arm around your shoulders. "To give you and my brother much needed items, of course! Stark says that there will be a press conference for my brother to prove his innocence, and he needs us all to dress our best!" You don't even have time to comprehend anything as you're basically dragged along by the blonde jock prince, pleadingly looking to Loki for help.

Loki could only watch with half amusement and half annoyance as he followed you and Thor, saving you once you were in the elevator. You relaxed, until Loki leaned down and whispered in your ear. "You smell amazing with my personal soap on you."

You completely flushed as your wide eyes looked up into Loki's, your mouth slightly agape. That had been his?! Smirking, Loki straightened back up and gave his usual expressionless face when Thor turned to look at you both quizzically, but then smiled.

A moment later, you find yourself with everyone except Stark and Bruce going down to ground level, Nat being in charge of the spending card Tony had given her.

You were the main focus, but you didn't know how you'd ever pay Tony back for this. You'd be in debt to him forever, so you were definitely stuck being the maid. And considering the spending amount was to go almost past six full digits, you were definitely feeling more than indebted.

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