HYDRA sucks

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Being kidnapped by the angry octopus group all over again was never pleasant.

It sucks even worse when they do their usual rounds of trying to break your willpower with beatings and torture, all for you to reveal secrets.

Did you mention that the same guy with a French accent was back, with even more tests to run on you? More syringes filled with goopy colored liquids being injected into you, shock therapy, and nonconsensual surgery.

Apparently it's not a good idea when you are giving them more recipes to work with, which in turn causes them to put you to sleep.

And wake up with your vocal cords removed with no indication that your body could heal itself enough for them to come back.

Rubbing your throat tenderly before touching the burn mark now decorating the left side of your neck from a metal prong that was always used to shock you into unconsciousness, you pace around the ten by ten concrete jail cell that you resided in.

It had been two or three weeks since you had been kidnapped, and you could only hope that the gang would find you soon. You glance down at your bare feet quietly, recalling that night during the party.

Both you and Loki had plans to tell each other something, and that you'd be doing it right when the new year had begun. But thanks to HYDRA, that was on hold all over again.

As for their reasoning on kidnapping you again, the doctor with the French accent had mentioned something about you being one of just three experiments that survived, and were growing stronger. They had been sapping up your pure energy like a vacuum, making weapons with it. And now, well... Something had been added to your system, it felt weird, but it reminded you of Loki. Magic wise, you meant.

Even though it was man-made, or so you believed. That doctor had mentioned that it was a darker energy, but you didn't need to worry about what exactly. Only that you'd be of good use to them.

You knew it was all red flags. But voicing any type of anything was now null and void for you. Running a hand through your messy and tangled hair, you stop pacing, and try to think on what you should do.

Getting out of the cell was your first priority.

Lifting your hands up to eye level, you stare at the difference you now had. Your left fingertips would spark with the rainbow colored wisps like you had become used to, but now your right hand would only emit black sparks.  It felt wrong to try and use your right hand now, even though it was your dominant one.

Shaking your head, you knew you had to use them equally. Some kind of way.

Thinking silently, you look around at the walls. Going through the door was what people usually did to get out, so the guards would expect you to bust through there to escape. But going through one of the walls...

Inhaling slowly, you wince from the pain that shoots through your body, but focus. You've been trained on how to fight, how to think through scenarios. You'd blow up the wall, and use a makeshift shield to protect yourself. And then..

Well, you'd make the biggest energy surge you could. After all, Tony and Bruce said you could power a small town by yourself, so why not send a huge signal? At least, if something were to keep you here, you'd at least know they'd figure out where you were.

Bracing yourself, you did just that.

You just weren't expecting to find yourself in another hallway after exploding your room open.

Alarms blaring, you ran down the hall, past empty cell rooms and other doors that didn't hold anything of importance. It seemed as though you were the only prisoner too, at least it's first if not dead last.

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