𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

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"I'm sorry I'm late. I was having breakfast with my housemates." Chan said in between pants as he had his hands rested on his knees. "That's okay, I didn't wait long." Samuel said with a small chuckle as he waited for Chan to catch his breath. "Shall we?" Chan asked as he stood up straight and gestured to the Antique store in front of them.

"We shall!" Samuel smiled as he linked his arm with Chan's and headed inside the store. Even after a few hours had passed, Chan was still stun how quickly Samuel and him planned this hang out. It all started with them getting to know each other, you know the usual questions.

Then, Samuel asked what Chan likes to do in his free time and at first Chan was going to say sleep in. But Chan took a second thought and decided to be spontaneous and say that he likes to go antique hunting because who else just lies about their true selves to try and impress someone?

Most certainly Lee Chan does. And it turned out that Samuel loves to go antique hunting and was planning on going antique hunting that Saturday and that's how we ended up here, the two looking around for any unique items that'll catch their eye.

"Find anything?" Samuel asked as he appeared next to Chan. "Nothing yet." Chan huffed as he placed the creepy looking doll back on the shelf and continued to roam around. Chan would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying going antique hunting. The things he has seen so far looks very interesting and somewhat cool.

'I see now why he likes antique hunting.' Chan thought as he looked at a shelf that seemed to be for 'magical' items. The shelf seemed to intrigue Chan and so he looked at the many items on the shelf. While looking, he saw some a music box that look like it came out of a movie film of magical beings. With much curiosity, Chan picked it up and opened it to see some kinda of angel on the spring and the inside was a galaxy blue.

"Whatcha got there?" Samuel said looking over Chan's shoulder. "It seems to be a music box. Pretty isn't it?" Chan said as he handed the box over to the younger with much care. "It is. Are you going to get it?" Chan thought for a minute, did he really want it?

I mean it is pretty and cool. "Sure." Chan finally decided and took hold of the music box. "Good because if you didn't I would." Samuel remarked with a chuckle as he looked at the shelf in front of him. While looking at the shelf and saw this green amulet and he thought it looked pretty.

"That's pretty." Chan simply said as he look at the amulet with curiosity. "I wonder if it's actually magical." Chan wondered out loud as he tilted his head. "Chan, you and me both know that magic doesn't exist." Samuel said with a scoff as he continued to examine the amulet.

Chan nervously chuckled as he scratched the back of his head as his mind trailed back to his friends who magically turned into girls. "Right......we done here? I'm kinda hungry?" Chan said clearing his throat as he began swaying on his feet.

"Same, let's go pay and find something to eat." Samuel quipped as he took hold of the amulet and walked up to the cashier. They paid for their items and walked out the store. "What should we eat?" Samuel asked as they went right down the sidewalk. "I'm feeling burgers." Chan replied as he looked towards the other. "Burgers it is!" Samuel exclaimed happily as he began to skip, tugging Chan along with him.


"These fries are so good!" Chan said as he stuffed his face with said good fries. Samuel chuckled at the other's eating behavior, "slow down Channie or else you'll choke." Samuel playfully scold the other as he tugged some fries in his mouth in a more human way than how Chan was eating.

"But you have to agree with me. These fries are so good." Chan said after he finished chewing the food in his mouth. "Well we are at a McDonald's." Samuel gestured around him as he sip on his drink.

"I've been to other restaurants that had delicious fries....." Chan murmured as he sipped on his drink and looked around. "Wanna revisit our childhood memories?" Chan suddenly asked as he lightly slammed his cup on the table. Samuel tilted his head, "what do you mean by that?" Samuel asked confused as he ate the rest of his remaining food.

"You done with this?" Chan asked as he took hold of Samuel's tray, Samuel slowly nodded and in a flash Samuel's trash was in the garbage and Chan was tugging him along.

"This is where we have our......" Chan said, dragging out his words as he continued to run some place else in the fast food restaurant. "Fight!" Chan exclaimed as he did a fake punch gesture to Samuel who started laughing.

"So this is what you mean by revisiting our childhood memories." Samuel recalled as he looked towards the big play place that doesn't seem too big anymore now that he is an adult. "Yea! Come on! Last one to the top of the slide is a smelly sock!" Chan childishly stated as he threw off his shoes and ran to the play place.

"No fair! You had a head start!" Samuel fake pouted, deciding to play along with Chan's childish ways and threw off his shoes and ran after the other. "Well if you wasn't a slow poke then you would have gotten here first." Chan said as he stuck out his tongue and headed down the slide before Samuel could have attack him.

"Get back here you big bully!" Samuel exclaimed as he chased after the other. And that's how the two spent the rest of their evening, playing at a McDonald's play place full of smiles and laughter and maybe some bystanders looking at them like they are weird.

But that didn't stop them from revisiting their childhood memories.


Did I take two decades to update this?

Yes, yes I did.

And why did I take those two decades?

Because I'm a high school student and it's testing season!!😭😭

But all is well!!! Because for I have updated this book!!!!

So with that being said

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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