Chapter 6 Bonding, Another One? A Date With Three Girls and A Soothing Lullaby

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3rd POV

[Location - Y/N's Mind]

We are back with Y/N's destroyed mind as he is there on the piece that is intact while the thing that tries to kill him is stunned badly from Y/N's wrath causing it to feel pain everywhere. Y/N keeps himself calm and focused on staying in control while also trying to contain whatever this anomaly is. He's heard of the description that makes sure for certain death if the target supposedly got away. The fact that Y/N is still alive and kicking is quite an accomplishment to the anomaly's perspective.

Y/N hated it so much as he wants to forget everything about the past and former family. He wants to move in and be with the ones that are helping him. He then feels himself fading away which resulted in him leaving the mindscape and returning to reality.

Though when GF started helping him regain the ability to feel and express himself which was only a little he felt different. Y/N wondered what could be wrong with him as he has never felt this feeling before. Though he's never kissed a girl before and unfortunately has no clue what a kiss is suppose to be.

GF has been giving Y/N a ton of love and sometimes she'll tease him here and there just for fun and sometimes for her own amusement. Why she keeps smothering Y/N into her chest is unknown to him. GF enjoys doing this to him as he is way to innocent to understand why. Shayla learned what has happened to Y/N and is extremely worried for his well being as this is something really bad. NO ONE should have to go through something like this.

Y/N doesn't want them to keep learning more about his past as it will only hurt them, yet they always find out. Now he knows that they are sincere and want to help him get what he wants.

[Location - Reality]

Y/N starts to awaken while also yawning that caused GF and Shayla to blush madly as they didn't expect this to happen. Though his face is squished from both of their chest. One pressed behind his head and the other part has his face buried deeply preventing him from being able to see anything, but the Color red. I all honesty he never figured out why this keeps happening at all, instead he just thinks that they were cold and wanted to stay warm as possible.

He wasn't wrong about that possibility and it wouldn't be the first time he's heard it. Another possibility he had was that they just wanted to cuddle.

He tried to get out of their grip, but he couldn't do to them squishing him more and his face was buried even deeper in GF's chest. He started squirming around trying to get out, yet he was starting to get tired and with the lack of air his oxygen was starting to run deadly thin. Meaning he won't survive if they don't let go of him or loosen their grip he will suffocate from the lack of air.

Y/N: 'Muffled' Mrgh! Mph mrgh mph mrgh!

He tried to tell them to let go of him as he was about to suffocate from the lack of air. Luckily they loosen their grip on him allowing him to breath and have oxygen surging through him.

Unfortunately he was still stuck with Shayla and GF sandwiching him. GF still had his face buried in her chest, while Shayla was hugging the back of his head with her chest.

GF: Morning, Y/N~.

Shayla: Morning, Y/N.

Y/N: 'Muffled' M-Morning, girls..

Y/N was embarrassed, but he didn't understand or ever will be able to know. It took some time for GF and Shayla to let go of Y/N since he needed to get up and and start making breakfast.

They went downstairs and Y/N was cooking them some breakfast to eat while GF and Shayla were trying to think of something that they could do.

GF: I know a game we could play.

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