Chapter 9 A Way Back, Four More Appear and A Reuion For GF

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3rd POV

It was now morning and Y/N was sleeping peacefully as he was luckily saved from GF and Shayla.

How did he get saved?

Well... the other GF's broke the door down which they did fix after getting Y/N out of the room GF and Shayla took him into. Y/N had suffocated from the lack of air after they got in.

Trollege GF had separated them using her hands while the other GF's including RecD GF were carrying Y/N away from the room.

How did they carry him?

Like a cat.

They literally carried him like a cat and he's light as hell. He was so light that you could just use one finger to carry him.

However Y/N always thinks that he is extremely heavy as for why he would assume he just seems to be the heaviest thing in the world even though he never eats a lot...which really makes things confusing.

It's still a mystery as to how he still remains being so light even if he isn't eating a lot.

That's something he isn't aware of either. Sadly he won't ever get an answer for that even if he ask about it. He won't get his questioned answered and the GF's won't be able to figure it out either.

Y/N was sleeping peacefully however he wasn't alone since the other GF's had to keep him safe until GF and Shayla's heat cycle ends.

He is asleep with Angel GF behind him while Chubby GF was in front of him with his face being squished between their chest.

Trollege GF was keeping watch as she didn't feel the need to sleep anymore which allowed her to make sure the other two didn't take Y/N and mate with him.

Y/N was still asleep until Angel GF and Chubby GF woke up as they saw him sleeping like a cat again which causes them to get another nosebleed. Trollege GF was giggling seeing the sight, but on the inside she was having a heart attack as the cuteness was really getting to her.

Y/N's basically like Natsuki being cute without knowing about it while he is innocent like Sayori as he has no clue why this keeps happening. At times he is like Yuri where he'll get shy and sometimes he can't really speak or even ask a question without being intimidated at points. He is athletic like Monika and knows to eat Vegetables as it helps him stay in shape plus he does try and make a poem when he can.

In short he's literally like all four of the Doki Girls only he can't understand why it keeps happening.

They noticed that Y/N was yawning this time he was having the reaction of a fox as this caused the GF's to nearly get a heart attack as this was the first time they see him make that reaction. The innocence was really pure as Y/N had no clue what would even happen when he sleeps or wakes up.


Yup. It's getting really hard for them to stay calm as they were struggling to not let the cuteness get to them.

How innocent is Y/N you might ask.

Well... he is so innocent that even if he was kissed on the lips, check and/or neck. If the GF's made out with him he still wouldn't understand what happened.

Yeah. He's innocent as hell to understand if the GF's were kissing or even making out. Hell he still has clue what they keep kissing him for.

The affection really got out of hand last night since he can only handle so much pampering before he faints.

He was okay with the head pats since they are harmless and simple to work with. A normal hug is fine as he seems to like it.

They want to try and teach him how to smile. A REAL smile is what they really wanna see on his face.

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