Chapter 14 Spooky Month, Y/N's ANGER is Unleashed and... Another Tail?

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3rd POV

Today was a time for Halloween and the GF's didn't need to change for it because they are already fine just the way they are. Y/N decided to try and make himself look nice for Halloween or rather try to be scary.

This is one of the only times where he can have the bandages off on his face as well as the mask, but... he decided to try something different. He made the void part of his face visible while the Demonic part was still seen and kept hiding his left eye cause he needed to wait at least one more day and then he can finally see out of it.

The GF's were really happy because soon they will get to see their future mate have both of his eyes visible and not have to hide it anymore. One thing they were curious about is what Y/N will do since Halloween was today.

Y/N can be seen wearing a very unusual outfit as it was design for a girl and not a guy. Seems the costume makers thought he was a girl.

The GF's know this category very as it's known to be a Femboy. Y/N was now a Femboy and Fatal Error never mentioned it as he was trying to fix and restore the memories Y/N had, so he could remember what was going on and what has happened as well as restore some past memories since he knew Y/N would Reincarnate one day.

Y/N: "Image Down Below" ...

Y/N: "Image Down Below"

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Yeah... he wasn't saying anything since this IS the first time he was wearing something different and not his usual choices, but he had to admit the outfit itself was really comfortable.

One problem he had with this... was the skirt.

He was okay with it, but... the GF's sort of... changed his undergarments when he was a sleep and ended up with girl undergarments. Hell they even put a bra on him when he was still asleep.

What was most surprising is that he actually screamed like a girl when he went to go and shower since there was something in his hair and a strange sticky substance on his face. As well as his mouth having some of the sticky substance.

He never understood what it was nor did he have a clue he just assumed he drank and or ate something very delicious strawberry candy and accidentally got a sticky kind that was on his face.

One of the GF's had blissful sleeping face when they were really out of it and the others had small smiles.

He was able to clean himself off, but he had to wonder...

Why did he smell like one of the GF's?

Upon cleaning himself up he found some strange bite marks on his body he thought the mosquitoes were more dangerous, but then again he probably got bitten up pretty badly by something.

Another thing that he had a questions was what he ended up holding in his hands cause it felt...soft.

He wasn't sure where or what he was holding, but...he had a bad feeling it wasn't a good sign. Unless he was holding a pillow close to him then it would make sense.

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