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The screams on the battlefield rang out, echoing around the area

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The screams on the battlefield rang out, echoing around the area. The two factions were locked in a tight battle, the corpses piling up on the ground. The buildings around them laid in ruins, damaged from the eons of war. 

Stormrunner stabbed an Autobot through his spark and sliced through the midsection of another.

Atlas ran in between the enemy's legs, using its sharp claws to rake through the limbs, letting other cons finish the job. 

Her friends, Paradox and Saberstrike were off somewhere, and she started to grow worried as she had not seen them in a while. 'I hope they're not dead...'

"Duck!" A familiar voice said, pushing her helm down as a blaster shot nearly hit her.

Saberstrike, now long passed his sparkling stage, stood behind her, hoisting his weapon. Paradox stood beside him, and both were spattered in Energon. 

"Thank Primus," Stormrunner sighed in relief. "Was starting to think you two were dead."

Saberstrike grinned and took cover behind a pile of rubble, the other two following his lead. "Told you we would make it out!"

Paradox peered out and laughed. "When we get back home, we-"

Suddenly, a blast shot rang out, and there was silence from her friend. "'When we get back home' what?" Stormrunner asked, before looking up. 

Her optics widened in horror at the sight, and Saberstrike let out a howl of mixed anger and alarm. 

For Paradox lay on the ground, a pool of Energon beneath his body. Half of his helm was missing, very obviously unrepairable.  

The young Cybertronian leaped out from behind the barricade, charging at the Autobots. "I'll kill you!" He wailed. "I'll kill you all!"

"Saberstrike don't!" Stormrunner shouted after him, following suit. 

He aimed at them, and fired, hitting a few, though most of his shots missed. "Stop!" She screamed. 

The Autobots easily managed to tear him apart, their blasts, grenades, and other weapons ripping through his metal body. 

Stormrunner grabbed him and dived behind a crumbling building. She cradled him in her arms, as Saberstrike coughed up Energon. "What did I say!" She seethed. "Why can't you just listen to me for once!"

"...I'm...sorry..." Saberstrike managed to get out. "I-i'll listen the next time..."

With those final words, he went limp in Stormrunner's arm, his helm leaning against her chassis as his optics went dark. 

She sat there, silently shaking in fury. 





Stormrunner stared down at the Autobot insignia, gritting her denta. She raised her blade and brought it down. 

Now, it sported a long gash across its stoic features, its empty eyes staring back at her. 

'That's what you get you Unicron spawns! Rust in the Pits!'


𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐬 [𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚎]Where stories live. Discover now