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The fire licked at the metal structures as Stormrunner stood in the middle with her leader and the cowardly seeker commander, watching the destruction of the former Autobot base

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The fire licked at the metal structures as Stormrunner stood in the middle with her leader and the cowardly seeker commander, watching the destruction of the former Autobot base. 

No Autobot bodies were found yet, as they vehicons were scavenging through the rubble. The only thing they have found so far was Wheeljack, pulled from the wreckage of his own ship.

"So, one survived," Megatron said in a mocking tone. "Take him back to the citadel for questioning. Back to Darkmount."

Stormrunner clenched her denta as he was dragged away, and went deeper into the base, overturning large stones. The flames were almost hot enough to melt her metal exterior, but Stormrunner didn't care. She was focused on finding the bodies of the Autobots. 

Her faithful cyber dog searched with her, scanning the area, but reporting no Cybertronian remains or life signals. 

Stone after stone that she overturned, there was nothing. And stone after stone her patience worn thin. After eons of war, she just wanted it to be over. 

Finally, she found something. Unfortunately, it was not the remains of the Autobots as she had hoped, but the Forge of Solus Prime. Stormrunner dragged it out of the base, vehicons dragging a stasis pod with Archanid inside. Her facial features twisted in disgust when she saw her. 'So that's what happened to that glitch.'

Someone must have commed Megatron, for he landed in front of them with a ground-shaking thud. He gazed upon the items they have brought before them, anger filling his optics. "The forge of Solus Prime?! So, you have managed to unearth this, BUT NOT THE REMAINS OF THE AUTOBOTS?!"

A few moments of silence fell upon them, and Starscream marched toward them. "Answer your lord!" He sneered at her. Stormrunner scowled at him. "Where are their bodies!"

"I'm sorry my lord," Stormrunner's voice came out slightly static due to the heat. "I have searched large portions of the base with Atlas. Their remains are not there."

"The Autobots cleared ground bridged from their base," Megatron said, the light from the setting sun reflecting off of his frame. "They could be anywhere."

"We must initiate global surveillance, my lord. Send search and destroy teams to every sector of this planet." Starscream responded, the vehicons walking away. 

"Soundwave," Megatron spoke into the comms. "Monitor all Earth-based communications for any signs of Autobot transmissions. With each other or their human counterparts."

A deep rumbling sounded from the distance, and Stormrunner looked, seeing human military coming towards them. 'No, go away! You guys are going to get yourself killed!'

Megatron's and Starscream's words become a distant mumble as she watched the cannons on top of Darkmouth get charged, before firing upon the human forces. Stormrunner somehow managed to keep her face stoic, before the explosion, the shattering of metal and the faint screams unsettled her. 

Shrapnel from that rained down upon the city of Jasper, destroying it, the wind blowing the smoke around. 

Megatron and Starscream left, unbothered by the destruction they just caused. But Stormrunner went towards it, carefully stepping around the carters and into the abandoned town. She easily towered over the buildings, glass, bricks, and overturned cars filling the broken streets, making it difficult for her to make it through. 

Thunder cracked overhead as she dragged her servo across the rooftops, looking down at the signs. Bakerys, shoe shops, clothing stores, grocery stores, and fast food chains lined the streets and the wreckage of what she assumed to be a school from the nearly obliterated sign was visible from the distance.

A scream cut through the air, and Stormrunner looked down, seeing a young girl, her copper hair braided into a fishtail looking up at her, a small blond-haired boy burying his head into her shoulder. Grime smeared her face, and blood trickled down her arm, and her bright crystal blue eyes were wide, staring at her in pure horror. 

"M-monster," she whispered, throwing a rock at her. "Get away!"

A strange feeling- pity she realized- filled her as the little girl continued to throw rocks at her. Sirens wailed far off, growing closer and closer by the second. "Go to the edge of the town southbound," Stormrunner told the girl. "They'll be able to help you and the boy. Go."

But she just stood there, shaking in front. The little boy started to cry, sobbing into what she assumed to be his sister's shoulder. Stormrunner knelt down and pushed them. "Go!" She commanded. 

The girl nodded, still quivering as she ran as fast as she could away, still holding onto her brother tightly. 

Stormrunner transformed into her altmode, flying back to Darkmouth. 

"All this death and destruction... was it worth it?"


Hopefully, I'll be able to write a longer chapter the next time, but right now finals are coming up for school :(. But summer break starts soon so I'll be able to update a lot more often with longer chapters soon!

Hope y'all enjoyed it regardless :) Remember to get some rest, drink water, get a snack, get some fresh air, and do your work if necessary. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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