Lolita George

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I'm just fifteen and here's my story....

Chaos From The Top Down [Stereophonics]

My name is Lolita George. I am 17 years old and live in Bristol with my family. We are a Welsh family and I only moved here about 4 years ago. But that means I've had enough time to make friends and whatnot. My name is very silly for a Welsh girl. Now, can you just imagine a Welsh lady being called Lolita? Real reason why I'm named that is because it was my nannies dying wish to name her great granddaughter before she passed away. Well. She liked the name Lolita. Cause she could call me lolly, or lollipop. Don't ask what was going through her 72 year old brain. But here's the really funny thing... she never died. No, she's still alive, all well and happy and I'm stuck with the name Lolita.

Not going to complain. I come from a nice family but. With a slight alcohol problem. My father is an alcoholic, my mother is an alcoholic, my little brother is just too young to drink and my Nannie is just spiralling. How do you expect a mother with alcohol problems, a father with alcohol problems and a Nannie with dementia care for an 17 and 7 year old? I don't know either. I've been trying to figure that out for years.

Let's step back a little to when I was 15. I'm just fifteen and here's my story. I'm not the eldest child. I had an older brother called Joshua. He was my idol, the person I looked up to. My star. But he didn't like his life, he hated it. The only thing he didn't hate was me. My brother took his own life when I was 8 years old. It broke my heart to know my brother didn't love me enough to stay with me. That's when the alcohol problems took toll. First it was my dad. He was so close with my brother, he taught him how to play rugby, how to play football, how to play guitar. Then my mother. She was literally the person to birth him, he was her first born. It ruined her. Me! Me! Jesus if I was old enough to drink when he died I know I would have drowned myself in the alcohol. But I'm glad I wasn't. My brother wouldn't want me to turn out like that. Plus I have my little brother Ryan to look after. And my Nannie, and my parents, and my Nana Helen.

Now... you haven't heard of my Nana Helen. But she is my fave. But she lives in wales still and I don't see her very often only when she comes to visit, I go to visit or she comes and visits Nannie. But it's fine, we FaceTime all the time and text daily, so it's like she's always here with me.

That's my story. I'm 17. Looking after my whole family, while juggling a job and college. And not to mention a social life, but my friends make it worth it. Especially my Chris...

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