Tony- 2

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What happened to you?...

Dakota [stereophonics]

I was sitting with basically everyone on the collage premises when Tony starts walk towards us. "So who's gonna tell him we can't go to his party?" Maxxie asked. "Shut up man, here he comes" Chris said. "What you been doing in poshville towers ey?" Anwar asked Tony. "Broadening my horizons" tony smirked his famous Tony Stonem smirk. "Did they totally speak like this ya? Ra where's my baccy? Totes safe" i mimicked the posh girls accent while asking Chris for a smoke. "I swear they only speak like that on the telly" maxxie laughed. "Why are you wasting your life watching telly?" Chris asked. I peered over his shoulder to jal and pulled a face. "So you don't watch tv then Chris?" I questioned. "No" he shrugged.

"How do you entertain yourself?" Anwar asked. Chris thought for a few seconds and I already knew what his answer would be. "Pills" he mumbled. "Just pills?" Jal asked. Chris thought again, "and shagging" he smiled. "Cultural" Tony said taking the cigarette off Jal. "Yeah, it fucking is cultural" Chris defended. "Your full of shit Chris. No one is gonna shag you with that tiny cock" Jal laughed. As I was sitting next to maxxie and Chris I went to go whisper something in jals ear. So I bent over on my hands and knees over maxxie. "Lolita is up for it, look" Chris said as he started humping me from behind. "In your dreams" I laughed as I went to go return to my seat when Chris started tickling me. I arched my back as he tickled the sides of my stomach and rolled onto my side. Everyone was laughing at me and soon enough joined in.

Now I had Chris, Jal, Anwar, Maxxie and Tony all tickling me. "Fucking get off me! I'm gonna piss myself. I'm being genuine now" I struggled. This had happened to me and Chris before. He made laugh so hard I peed myself. He thought it was hilarious and ended up pissing himself too. "Keep tickling she's going to pee." Chris chuckled. "Chris I'll make you a deal!" I exclaimed. Chris stopped tickling me, as well as the others, but kept me pinned down. "Come on then" he said turning his head to the side so I could say in his ear. I could feel everyone eyeing us as I leans towards Chris' ear. "I'll let you do anything with me if you stop but the does not include sex okay? And I mean it about not including sex" I compromised. "Done deal" Chris shot up and shook my hand.

"So your all coming to my party tonight then" Tony says. "We're all busy Tony. No one wants to go to your shitty posh party" I scoffed. "It's not a shitty posh party" he defended. "Yeah alright" I yawned. Tony approached me "come to the party and I'll prove it to you" he smirked. "As if" I chuckled. "You just know it isn't a shitty posh party but don't want me to prove you wrong" he laughed. "Okay then Tony Stonem. I'll come to your little party with your posh friends, but i swear to god if its dogshit I'm going to wreck you" I sighed defeated.

"Come on. I don't want to miss angie" Chris said while pulling me up to walk to psychology.

We were all sitting down listening to Jal read her essay. And while she was Angie was sobbing. It was quite an awkward watch. "No more sports science teachers Angie" Chris smiled. I hit him in his side to tell him to shut the fuck up. Angie nods "I know". "Hey... it doesn't matter how big his dick I-" Chris started. "Shut it chris" I sighed into my hands. "You're all so lovely to me. I need you um... all your coursework in by next week for the deadline, if that's okay. It's important for my department score you know" she started sobbing again.

Everyone started leaving but Chris went up to Angie, so I stayed just in case Chris was to say something stupid. And it's Chris, so let's be honest we all know he's going to say something stupid. "You know, I could say he touched me up in the shower or something?" Chris asked. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped in shock. I started walking up to them. "Really?" Angie smiled. "Chris you idiot!" I exclaimed dragging him by his shoulder. "What?" He asked.

"How stupid can you be?" I muttered to myself after pulling Chris out of the classroom. "I was only trying to help" Chris defended. "Yeah I know Chris but sometimes it's better to just leave things" I said while walking off. I walked to my house actually, and just went on with my day until I had to get ready for Tony's stupid party...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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