Tony- 1

86 2 0

As the rumours start to fly...

A thousand trees [stereophonics]

I woke up and got dressed. I walked down the stairs and saw my dad passes out on the sofa. I scoffed and grabbed the bottle of beer from his hands. I walked into the kitchen and poured it down the sink. "Dad again?" A voice asked. I jumped and turned around and saw my brother Ryan sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal already dressed. "Mhm" I sighed. "Lolly. Where's mam?" He asked me. "Didn't come home last night" I said.

My mam and dad tend to do that sometimes. Not come home for the night. Maybe even a couple days. Sometimes weeks. "Look let's get you to school" I say. I head to the bathroom and shout to my brother "Ryan! Brush your teeth". "I'll do it now in a minute" he shouted back. After I had finished getting ready I waited at the bottom of my stairs by my front door for Ryan. "Ryan you shithead. What's taking so long" I questioned. "I couldn't find my bag" he muttered walking towards the door and opening it. "Ryan I'll pick you up from nicks then we'll go see nannie okay? Maybe I'll get you a McDonald's on the way back then we can FaceTime mamgu and dadcu. Dadcu just come home from dubai, working on the ships. Uncle Paul is working nights so he won't be there but we will FaceTime him soon" I announced my plan. "When are we gonna se mamgu next? I miss her" Ryan sighed. "I do too boy. We all do, Nannie, mam, dad. We all do trust me" I saddened,

I dropped my brother off at his friends house and headed over to Sid's. As I was making my way over to Sid's I got a phone call. "Ugh Tony. What do you want? I'm on my way over to Sid's you see" I hurried. "Sid, he's almost seventeen and hasn't been laid" he announced. "Uh yes I'm very much aware" I rolled my eyes. "Dont you roll your eyes at me" Tony said. My eyes widened and I look around me but saw no one. "How the fucking hell did you know I was rolling my eyes?" I asked. "A psychic told me I was psychic" I could almost hear Tony smirking. "Wipe that smirk off your face boyo, before I slap it off for you" I grinned. "What's the need for the violence? And how did you know i was smirking?" He copied me. "It's a Welsh thing. Anyways, Sid's a virgin. What do you want me to do about that?" I wondered. Tony chuckled "well there's a lot of things you could do with that but I want you to tell that lazy fuck to get out of bed and meet us at the cafe" Tony commanded. "Be there in 10" I obliged.

Me and Tony were both too sarcastic for anyones liking. We weren't very close and most of the time we didn't get along but many people said we were the exact same people just different genders. I hope I'm not a girl version of Tony Stonem.

As I arrived at the Jenkins household I knocked and waited for someone to answer. Sid's dad opened the door. "Oh hello Lolita, what do you need?" Mr Jenkins asked. "Well Sid and me both have the same exam today so I just came to pick him up" I lied. "Just go right up and don't be afraid of hitting him, it will do that boy some good" mr Jenkins sighed. I chuckled and walked up the stairs. I didn't mind knocking so I just walked straight in. I saw Sid wanking under the covers. "Jesus Christ almighty" I screamed throwing my hands over my eyes. "At 9 o'clock in the morning sid? You dirty fucker" I gagged. "Lolita! Why did you just walk into my room anyways. What are you even doing here" he questioned. "I'm here on strict orders to bring you to a cafe. And I'm really fancying breakfast so if you don't mind hurrying that up I'll be waiting downstairs" I said one hand still covering my eyes and another motioning to his boner.

Me and sid made our way to the cafe in comfortable silence. Tony wasn't there when we got there so we sat down and ordered food straight away. Not long after Tony came over to us. "I didn't have a sociology test did I?" Sid pointed to Tony with his fork. "No" he smiled. "Fucker" Sid whispered. I chuckled as I ate my breakfast. "It's common and quite normal for someone at the age of 16 to" sid started.  Tony cut him off "no" he said monotonous. Sid looked at me, almost as if he wanted me to back him up. "Uh well, you see. I did it when I was 14 before I moved here with this boy I was totally in love with and it was good I mean Jesus for 14 we were pretty-" Sid cut me off. "lolly? Really not helping" he tapped my shoulder. I took that as my que to shut up and only got involved when Necessary.

"Michelle?" Sid whispered star struck. I averted my gaze towards the door where I saw Michelle walking towards us. What I did know was that Tony and Michelle had a sort of something going on. But I thought I'd play along with Sid. "You got Michelle to fuck Sid" I acted surprised. "Tony, thank you so much" Sid grinned. That was until Michelle walked over. And started eating Tony face off. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Sid turned to me "you knew? You sheep shagging cunt" Sid pushed me off my chair. Me, still laughing, stood up and sat back on my chair. "So who's stupid enough to fuck Sid?" I asked wiping away my tears. "Cassie" Michelle said. "Ah, she's still in hospital" Sid pointed out. "No she's not" I said "all right... she'll do" Sid quietened. "We are going to need a shit ton of drugs" I chuckled. "Get an ounce, we can sell it at the party" Tony directed to Sid. "Right I'm off to music, tra" I announced standing up. "Oh Lolly. Your hair looks nice" Michelle smiled at me. "Iechyd da" I smiled. They looked back at me unknowingly when I left. Obviously they had no clue what I had said.

Iechyd da is pretty much translated to cheers.

Authors note- I really like this stop oml

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